A upisthage pneumonia (alveolitis of anthogenic allergies)

Hypertension pneumonia is common in people who work on farms, livestock or those who use air conditioners that are not regularly cleaned. Due to the similar symptoms, cold pneumonia can be easily confused with other respiratory inflammatory diseases.

1. What is aching pneumonia?

Agenic pneumonia (also known as endo dermatitis) is an inflammatory reaction that occurs in the alveolar and bronchial cities, when inhaling organic dusts and raw allergies. The clinical symptoms of the disease depend on the concentration of inhaled pathogens and the frequency of exposure. Possible lesions include: interstitial organizational inflammation of granuloma, organizational pneumonia, bronchiolitis.

The period of common appearance of the disease is winter and early spring. The disease usually occurs in people who do work in direct contact with allergens and inhale these substances into the lungs:

  • People who work on the farm may have a cold-boosting pneumonia caused by frequent inhalation of straw mold, mold or dust from bagasse,…
  • Hypertension pneumonia occurs in caregivers when: feathers and waste of species such as pigeons, parrots, chickens,… when drying out will disperse into dust, the breeder inhales or when the breeder inhales the feces vapor of birds and poultry when clearing the cage.
  • Users of air conditioners for many days are not cleaned, inhaled mold from inside the machine.
  • Other cases such as: inhalation of wood dust in carpenters, mold cheese causing diseases for cheesemakers, cattle feathers causing diseases for leather workers,…

Due to differences in intensity, duration of exposure to pathogens, the frequency of hypertension varies among communities around the world. According to the results from some studies, the percentage of pigeon breeders with the disease is 8-30%, the percentage of gardeners with the disease is 1-5%.


Pigeon breeders have an increased incidence of cold pneumonia up to 30%

2. Symptoms of aphitis

A cold pneumonia is divided into acute hypertension pneumonia and chronic hypertension pneumonia. Symptoms of a cold pneumonia differ between two cases:

  • Acute hypertension pneumonia: After inhaling high-concentration allergens for several hours, the person has symptoms such as shortness of breath, fever, dry cough, headache, muscle pain,… When examining the doctor can hear an explosion on both sides of the lungs, rarely hear hissing due to bronchospasm. X-ray film sees blurred glass image, low-spread shade, small blurred notes under 3mm. Antibody tests found increased IgG, IgA, IgM.
  • Chronic hypertension pneumonia: Chronic hypertension pneumonia occurs when a person with an acute disease has been cured, but due to work is still exposed to the old pathogens. Symptoms in patients are shortness of breath, weight loss, long-term can lead to respiratory failure. When examining, hearing two pulmonary diseases, the patient has increased pulmonary artery pressure. X-ray images show blurred lines, honeycomb lungs, possible calciumization. Chronic hypertension pneumonia can progress to chronic interstitial tissue lung disease.

3. Diagnosis of a cold pneumonia

The doctor will diagnose hypertension based on clinical symptoms, especially when the symptoms are associated with the contact environment or the professional nature of the patient. Subclinical techniques that can be prescribed for definitive diagnosis are:

  • Lung X-ray: in the acute stage of seeing normal lung images or increasing the density of bronchial streaks, there may be shadows of small nodules or large nodules. The image in the chronic body is per spreading interstitial pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Test the skin with a positive raw allergy: use a suspected pathogen for contact with the skin in the patient's forearm, if it is an allergen, the skin of the hands will have symptoms such as itching, redness of the skin.
  • Blood formula test: There is usually no acid-loving leukocytaemia.
  • Antibodies that cause precipitation: IgG antibodies when exposed to certain organic antigens will be precipitation. Can be done by dual diffusion or immuno-electrolysm.
  • Bronchial-alveolar rinsing: rinsing when tested will see an increase in the number of lymphocytes by 30-80%, especially CD8 lymphocytes.
  • Lung biopcopy: Usually perform a bioscopy through the bronchial city, which is necessary in some cases for a definitive diagnosis.

Due to the many similar symptoms, it is necessary to distinguish a cold pneumonia from viral pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia, parrot fever, pneumonia, Hamman-Rich syndrome, Wegener's disease,…

x-ray of pneumonia

Careful examination is required to avoid confusion of a cold pneumonia with other diseases

4. How to treat and prevent a cold pneumonia?

For effective treatment of cold pneumonia, patients should avoid contact with allergens altogether. The drug used for the treatment is corticoids, depending on the patient's condition that the doctor will prescribe the appropriate dosage, the duration of high-dose treatment is usually 1-2 weeks, then gradually reduce the dosage and take it at a maintenance dose for 1-2 months. Other drugs used to treat symptoms are antipyretics, bronchodilators, sputum drugs,… Give the patient oxygen if necessary. Strengthening nutrition, it is possible to supplement vitamin and mineral drugs in appropriate dosages so that the patient quickly recovers.

To prevent the risk of disease, workers in environments with pathogenic factors should wear masks regularly to avoid inhaling pathogens into the lungs. Periodically clean machinery, livestock farms, processing workshops, remove materials such as straw, bagasse. sawdust is moldy. Regularly clean the air conditioner to prevent mold from growing, spreading into the air.

To register for examination and treatment at Share99 International Health Hub, you can contact Share99 Health System nationwide, or register for an online examination HERE


  • Is pulmonary fibrosis dangerous?
  • Dry cough lasts, cures forever, what to do?
  • What to know about inhaled pneumonia

  • Rapid breathing – one of the warning signs of pneumonia in babies
  • Instructions for monitoring breathing detection of pneumonia
  • Monitor your baby's breathing to detect the risk of pneumonia

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of Share99.net. I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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