Why do you suffer from second-born infertility?

According to the medical definition, second-degree infertility is cases where you have been pregnant at least once, want to continue giving birth but cannot be called second-degree infertility. So what causes second-coming infertility?

1. What is second-born infertility?

Infertility is a condition where a couple has sex regularly for more than 1 year, without taking any contraceptives without seeing conception. There are two forms of infertility: primitive infertility and second-form infertility. Second infertility is cases where you have been pregnant at least once (these pregnancies may have been miscarried or given birth) and now want to continue giving birth again that cannot be conceived.

Second-born infertility is often caused in the wife's part. However, there are also many cases of second-line infertility that have a cause on the part of the husband.

2. Causes of second-born infertility

2.1. For the wife

The most common cause of secondary infertility in the wife is inflammation of the genitals after a previous miscarriage or calving. Specifically:

  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases:The pelvic area is inflamed by bacteria such as Chlamydia, gonorrhea … cause.
  • Polycystic ovarydisease : As an ovarian phenomenon with many small follicles, when polycystic ovaries will occur a state of menstruation (a few months to have menstruation once) or ovary ejecting disorders and this is the cause of second-party infertility.
  • Genital infections cause blockage of two ducts: If there is an inflammation ofthe genitals , bacterial damage in the ovulation will narrow the tube and this tube can be completely clogged. At that time, the movement of the sperm is blocked, so the ovules released cannot be fertilized. If the ovulation is not completely clogged, small-mass sperm can pass through that narrowed segment and can be fertilized with ovules. But when the ovule is fertilized into an embryo moving to the uterus, it will be clogged because the large embryo mass cannot pass through that narrowed place causing the pregnancy to develop outside the uterus. On the other hand, the ovulation keeps expanding to some extent, the fetal mass located in this tube ruptures causing an extra-intra-uterus rupture. This condition can cause the death of a pregnant woman from severe blood loss if not given a timely emergency.
  • Inflammation in the uterus: When the uterus is inflamed, the mucous membrane covering the inside of the uterus is damaged unfavorablely for the embryo to nest there after being moved in. The more damaged lining of the uterus causes the lining of the uterus to more or less no longer be wrapped by the mucous membranes, so the two sides of the uterus stick together and then the embryos can no longer nest in the uterus.

2.2. For husbands

  • According to statistics, the proportion of men with second-line infertility is increasing. The main causes are sperm abnormalities such as disorders during spermatodes, genital tract and genital infections.
  • Men who work in environments high in chemicals, radiation, radiation are the underlying causes of physical deterioration: sperm weakness or the inaction of sperm, which causes many risks of genital activity disorders in men.

Male gonorrhea

Sperm abnormalities are the main cause of second-line infertility in men

3. Treatment of second-born infertility

It is recommended to go to both spouses and treat second-degree infertility according to the doctor's instructions for the best results.

The doctor will prescribe examinations and perform tests such as blood tests, urine, gynecological examinations, uterus – ovarian scans in women or semen in men, examination of male genitals to find out the cause of infertility in men and women. After knowing the true cause of second-degree infertility,the doctor will have a reasonable treatment direction, be it medical treatment or surgical intervention.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe a number of assisted birth methods such as pumping sperm into the uterus or in vism in vism fertilization. In particular, the method of pumping sperm into the uterus is preferred with many advantages such as saving time and efficiency is also quite high. Currently, secondary infertility treatment by the technique of pumping sperm into the uterus has been carried out in many obstetric centers and brought happiness to infertile couples – rarely.

Therefore, couples with second-degree infertility should not be too worried but need to go to the hospital to get more advice from doctors about treatment for optimal effect.

4. Prevention of second-born infertility

Why do you suffer from second-born infertility?

Women should go to the gynecology clinic every 6 months to avoid inflammation, infections that stick to the proboscis of the uterus

In order to minimize the current situation of second-line infertility, couples, in addition to considering the age of the mother to get pregnant, should not extend the gap between two childbirths, the ideal, most reasonable time is from 3 to 5 years, and it is best before the age of 35. In case of wanting to get pregnant, if after a year do not use any method of contraception without pregnancy, both spouses should go to specialized medical facilities for early examination.

In particular, for women it is recommended to go to the gynecologic examination every 6 months to avoid inflammation, infection that sticks to the proboscis of the uterus. If you intend to have an unsymistosis, you must choose a safe medical facility because there are many cases of second-hand infertility due to excessively rough, technical or bacterial interference due to not being instructed to use antibiotics properly.

In addition to the causes of pathology, the general state of health and nutrition also affects the fertility of some people. If men and women eat a lot of food containing many toxic substances, especially tobacco, alcohol, drugs, chemical exposure, polluted environment … has an effect on the fertility of both men and women. Age also affects fertility, women after 35 years of age are often harder to get pregnant. Therefore, you need to maintain a good state of health in both spouses and limit the exposure to the use of toxic substances to limit second-line infertility.

The Center for Assisted Reproduction – Share99 International Health Hub is the leading center in Vietnam that is built and applied a comprehensive treatment process, combining both male and obstetrics and gynecology to provide optimal methods for each patient's case.

Advantages when customers choose infertility treatment – late at Share99 Assisted Reproduction Center include:

  • The center is home to a team of leading experts in the field of rare and international, trained in the world's leading assisted reproduction centers. A team of highly specialized and experienced doctors.
  • Perform most of the world's advanced assisted reproduction techniques such as ICSI (injection of sperm into oocysts); support for membrane drainage workpieces; spawning reserves: embryo freezing, freezing, freezing ovules help customers proactively time childbirth at will, transfer embryos on the 5th day, minimize pregnancy; male infertility techniques (PESA, MESA, TEFNA, TESE)
  • Modern equipment system, ensuring absolute ericatic, single implant system optimizes the quality of workpieces, increases the success rate.
  • The birth support center is also technically supported from many rooms in Share99 International Health Hub system such as Pediatric Center, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department,…. constantly updating and developing new techniques in the treatment of rare diseases.

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE


  • Diagnosis and treatment of ovarian adhesion
  • Why does the uterus stick?
  • Can endometriosis become pregnant?

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of Share99.net. I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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