Salmonella Bacteria with Cardiovascular Complications

Article by Dr. Tran Truong Giang – Department of Active Resuscitation – Share99 Times City International Health Hub

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When entering the human body, Salmonella bacteria will attack the stomach and intestines and cause symptoms similar to gastritis, most patients will have a mild infection and self-cure after about 7 days without treatment, however there are also cases that cause cardiovascular complications and are dangerous to the patient's life.

1. Pathogenesity of salmonella

Salmonella bacteria are joined by bacteria, endocxins and immune system mechanisms (the role of great heterges).

  • Incubation: Salmonellosis enters the TH ->-> Through the intestinal mucosa into the mesenteritis that develops at the mesenteritis.
  • Oncological: At this time, the bacteria are attacked by THEB but cannot be destroyed, the salmonella that borrows DTB penetrates the endoc tissue and lymphatic path into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body of the patient.
  • Total: Salmonella bacteria are destroyed -> toxins -> severe clinical signs with TK intoxication and organs.


Some information about salmonella bacteria

2. Complications of Salmonellosis

Some possible complications of salmonellosis include:

  • Digestive bleeding: Flowing from the hemorrhagic Peyer plaque
  • Perforation of the small intestine -> Peritonitis
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder
  • Osteoarthritis
  • encephalitis
  • Cardiovascular: Endocarditis, Aortic disease, myocarditis.

In cardiovascular complications, people are more likely to experience complications of endocarditis. The pathogenesis of salmonella infection endoratitis complications is unclear.

Complications of Salmonella myocarditis were noted less. As well as other causes of myocarditis it is thought of many related factors:

  • The reaction between individuals with pathogens with immune function, immune response and pro-fibrotic cytokines.
  • Related to the mechanism of toxicity of the

inflammation of the gallbladder

Salmonella bacteria can cause complications of gallbladder inflammation in infected humans

3. Early suggestive signs of diagnosis of cardiovascular complications of NK Salmonella

Early recognition of cardiovascular complications of Nk salmonella is possible when signs of:

  • Recognize tachycardia
  • Chest x-ray: Pulmonary haemolysis is not explained by sepsis
  • ECG: May be normal with fast sinuses, may show signs of ST spread down
  • Increased heart enzymes, may be accompanied by muscle enzymes, liver enzymes
  • Heart ultrasound: Seen with endocarditis; sometimes valve ring pressure can be seen, valve tearing; EF decreases with myocarditis.
  • The diagnosis of valid remains on the MRI.
  • The gold standard is a biomed.

ECG Electrocardigraphy

Diagnosis of cardiovascular complications of Salmonellosis through an electrocardigraph

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To register for examination and treatment at Share99 International Health Hub, you can contact Share99 Health System nationwide, or register for an online examination HERE.

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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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