Symptoms and diagnosis of hypertension during pregnancy

Gestational hypertension, also known as pregnancy-in-pregnancy hypertension (PIH) is a pathology that most often occurs during pregnancy. Hypertension during pregnancy affects about 5-10% of pregnant women. Failure to be diagnosed and treated in time will cause dangerous complications for both the fetus and the mother.

1. What is gestational hypertension?

Pregnancy hypertension is hypertension that appears after the 20th week of pregnancy and returns to normal 6 weeks after calving (measured 2 times 4 hours apart) and there are no proteins in the urine.

When diasysm blood pressure is above 90 mmHg and/or sysental blood pressure is above 140mmHg (for those who do not know their normal blood pressure measurement: When diasym blood pressure increases by 15mmHg or sysental blood pressure increases above 30 mmHg compared to normal blood pressure before pregnancy (measured after rest for at least 10 minutes)

Pregnancy hypertension is divided into mild levels when blood pressure is 140-159/90-109mmHg, the degree of severeness when blood pressure is ≥160/100mmHg.

Types of hypertension during pregnancy:

  • Hypertension is not accompanied by proteinuria or edema (Gestational hypertension).
  • Slightly pre-production.
  • Pre-production is heavy.
  • Pre-seizures in humans with chronic hypertension.
  • I don't like it.
  • Chronic hypertension.

At risk for gestational hypertension include:

  • Pre-seizure in previous pregnancy
  • Age >40 or <18
  • Chronic hypertension
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Auto automery (Systemic Lupus Erythem Erythem)
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • obesity
  • Pregnancy by artificial insefination
  • Multiple pregnancies

Multiple pregnancies

Pregnant mothers with multiple pregnancies have a higher risk of gestational hypertension than usual

2. Symptoms of gestational hypertension

To know the exact measurement of blood pressure must use a blood pressure monitor, however if the pregnant woman pays attention to observe her health can be recognized through a number of signs such as: feeling stressed, uncomfortable, hot face, nausea, sometimes vomiting much leading to electrolytic water disorders , headache, tinnitus, dizziness, dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, blurred vision are also symptoms of the appearance of severe complications of hypertension.

When the above symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately think of the high blood pressure caused by gestational intoxication. This usually occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy.

3. Diagnosis of gestational hypertension

3.1 Pregnancy hypertension diagnostic measures include

  • Proper blood pressure measurement for diagnosis of gestational hypertension
  • Tests should be done: total urine analysis, urine 24h to find proteinuria, diagnosis of pre-seizure
  • Pregnancy ultrasound periodically to assess fetal development
  • Test for liver, kidney, blood sugar… assess the injury of the agencies if there is pre-production

3.2 Signs of diagnosis of hypertension

Chronic hypertension before pregnancy.

  • Diasentic blood pressure is 90mmHg or higher, before 20 weeks gestation.
  • Or blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg trƣớc during pregnancy or diagnosed before the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • Or hypertension is diagnosed after the 20th week and lasts more than 12 weeks after birth.
  • Diasentic blood pressure is 90-110mmHg, measured 2 times 4 hours apart, after 20 weeks gestation.
  • No proteinuria.

Gestational hypertension (Pregnancy causes hypertension)

  • Mental blood pressure trƣơng 90-110mmHg, measured 2 times 4 hours apart, after 20 weeks gestation.
  • Proteinuria can be up to 2+.
  • No other symptoms.

Slightly pre-production.

  • Diasymous blood pressure of 110mmHg or more or systa blood pressure of 160mmHg or more after 20 weeks gestation and proteinuria 3+ or more. There may also be the following signs:
  • Increased reflexes.
  • Headache increases, dizziness.
  • Blurred vision, eyes.
  • Oliguria (less than 400ml/24 hours).
  • Pain in the a%."
  • Pulmonary edema.

Severe pre-seizures (diagnosis in the case of hypertension and at least one of the signs listed above). Hellp syndrome is suspected in the presence of micro-hematoma (manifested by increased bilirubin), increased liver enzymes (SGOT and SGPT increased from 70đv/l or more) and tingular population decreased below 100,000/mm3 of blood.

4. Treatment of gestational hypertension?


Patients with mild pregnancy or pre-maternity hypertension are recommended to terminate the pregnancy at 37 weeks
  • Pregnancy hypertension should be treated when blood pressure is ≥ 140/90 mmHg
  • When sysysy ≥ 170mmHg, diasysive blood pressure ≥110mmHg requires emergency hospitalization
  • Preferred medications: methyldopa, labetalol, calcium channel blockers (nifedipin..)
  • Contrainations to use drugs that inhibit transfer enzymes, inhibit receptors because it can cause malformations to the fetus
  • Patients with mild gestational or pre-maternity hypertension, recommended termination of pregnancy at 37 weeks
  • If there are no complications pending calving. – Signs of pregnancy failure (pregnancy heart less than 120 or more than 160 times / minute): treatment of pregnancy failure.

At Share99 International Health Hub, there is a full maternity service as a solution to help pregnant mothers feel secure because there is a team of doctors throughout the pregnancy. When choosing a full-service maternity, a pregnant woman can:

  • The process of pregnancy is monitored by a team of specialists
  • Regular examination, early detection of abnormalities
  • Package maternity for the convenience of childbirth
  • Infants receive comprehensive care

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE

Source: Department of Meded and Children's Health – Ministry of Health


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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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