Learn about anxiety syndrome in a child

Anxiety of being apart is a syndrome many children experience in the process of growing up, manifested in the condition that the baby always clings to his parents anytime, anywhere, afraid of strangers and strange places. Children with this syndrome are prone to stress and interfere with normal activities such as going to school or playing with friends,…

1. What is the anxiety syndrome of being apart in a child?

Separation anxiety syndrome (SA) is a symptom encountered in young children when the child does not want to be apart from the closest caregiver, usually a parent. Anxiety is a manifestation that a child is developing independence and a sense of safety. Usually, all babies experience this symptom but are manifested to varying degrees.

Anxiety of being apart is a sign that the child begins to understand the difference between objects, including people in the room. The child still does not understand the time, so he will worry about whether his father or mother will return and the spiritual connection between mother and baby is very strong.

The first time the baby feels anxious about distance is when he is about 8 months old. This will peak at the stage of 13-15 months and last about 2-5 months. Often the anxiety syndrome of being apart ends when the child is 2 years old – the moment he understands that the parents are only a little absent and then come back.

In children, it is normal to be afraid of being apart from the caregiver. However, this syndrome will be abnormal if the baby is growing up, walking and still worried when separated from parents and relatives. Severe signs of this condition can last for 1 month. If left unspo treated, it can leave a negative effect on the baby later on, for example turning into a dilysed anxiety disorder.

Anxiety syndrome is isolated in a child if it lasts more than 2 years which can turn into dised anxiety disorder (SAD). This condition is characterized by inappropriately developed sides, excessive anxiety when separated from relatives or familiar habitats. Children are even afraid to go to school, afraid to be alone or unable to sleep without familiar objects attached. Being separated from a loved one suddenly can cause the child to suffer from disorders of consciousness, memory or environmental awareness.

Distant anxiety syndrome

Anxiety syndrome because of distance is a symptom encountered in young children when the child does not want to be apart from the closest caregiver, usually the father

2. Symptoms of anxiety syndrome are distant in a child

  • Anxious, restless when being distanced from ordinary people or taking care of themselves;
  • Worried that the caregiver would not come back or something would happen, and did not dare to go anywhere with anyone, including the teacher;
  • Do not dare to go to bed without a caregiver by your side;
  • Clinging to parents when away from familiar environments or when meeting strangers;
  • Sleeping often dreams of nightmares, or laments the pains on the body;
  • When going to see a doctor, it is absolutely necessary to have a mother with you;
  • It is difficult to make friends, or do actions such as urinating several times, closing the door and then opening the door,… because of excessive anxiety.

3. Stages of anxiety syndrome are distant in a child

Anxiety because of distance usually occurs at different stages of the child's development. In each stage there will be different processing directions:

3.1 8-month-olds

At the age of 8 months, the child begins to have a feeling of anxiety being distant. This condition can last from a few weeks to several months until the baby understands that the father and mother are not far away from the baby for too long.

To help the baby overcome, it is best for parents to start sending the baby to the babysitting person from the age of 6 months to help the baby gradually get used to strangers and the absence of fathers and mothers. At the same time, every time you send your child, smile and say goodbye to him cheerfully so that he can be less stressed when he is with strangers.

3.2 Children 1 – 2 years old

Anxiety in a child may increase between the ages of 1 and 2 years. At about 2 years old, the child has a close relationship with his parents and will have reactions such as crying and crying,… Let us stay.

If you want to help your child overcome, parents can assign them a certain task such as painting, closing the door,… to let him be psychoalysed. At the same time, parents should also let them know when they will return so that they are no longer too worried.

3.3 Preschool

For children who are new to preschool, the change of environment will make them feel anxious because of their distance. This usually lasts for several weeks until the child understands that his parents will come to pick him up at school.

To help your child overcome it, parents should be persuaded to let them understand that they can cope with their anxiety. Besides, parents should spend more time with their children so that they understand that they are still interested in their parents, still feel safe. At the same time, it is advisable to set a time schedule for the child to gradually get used to repetitive activities and especially to remain calm, not get angry with the child when he is irritable, eat cauldron but should comfort and pat on a case-by-case scenario.

4. Handling when a child with anxiety syndrome is distanced at night

Children with fever

Comfort your baby when she wakes up without seeing her parents

The manifestation of this condition is that the baby will wake up several times during the night and cry until he sees his father and mother. As a result, both the baby and his parents lose sleep. For processing, parents can refer to the following suggestions:

  • Talk to your baby: When going to bed, do not leave immediately, but should linger to chat and sing for them. After that, leave the room for a few seconds and return. Gradually, extend the time of leaving the room until the baby is accustomed to not having a mother by his side when sleeping;
  • Practice some pre-sleep habits: To help your baby sleep well, no longer worry about being apart, before going to bed, she can massage, sing lullaby for her baby;
  • Comfort the baby when he wakes up without seeing his parents;
  • Do not sneak out of the room because the baby will feel unsafe, do not trust his parents anymore. So instead of disappearing unexpectedly, wish the baby a good night's sleep and leave the room;
  • When your baby cries, go back to the room, watch him for a short period of time;
  • Stay calm as your child cries so she can feel things well and will be less stressed;
  • Play with your child to help them understand that their parents will come back even if they are away.

5. Measures to help children separate from their parents easily

  • Make a habit of saying goodbye to help children trust that their parents will return and that they will overcome anxiety because of their distance easily;
  • Practice for children to gradually get used to the feeling of separation by sending the baby to their grandparents and babys for a short time and then gradually increasing the time parents are not present;
  • Give your child some time to get acquainted with the babysitting person or the new environment. When your child goes to school, they can bring some familiar toys to reduce their sense of alienity, just in precautions;
  • Do not cry when your baby cries because she is worried by the feeling of separation. The temptation only causes the feeling of anxiety to increase. So let your baby cry and express your feelings. The child will stop crying when the parents do not intervene;
  • Choose the right time to leave, for example when the child is happy or healthy, because separation will be more difficult when the child is hungry or tired. When leaving, it is possible to ask relatives to sys them by feeding them toys or food they like;
  • Play with your child when they come home from work to help them understand that separation can make them uncomfortable, but seeing them again will make them happy;
  • Keep your promises to your baby.

Parents need to be very patient and calm to help children overcome the anxiety syndrome of being apart. Besides, if you find your child upset or become separated, parents need to find out why they are sometimes bullied by you or the babysitting person is not treated well.

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  • Professional care:In addition to understanding the young psychology, Share99 also pay special attention to the children's play space, help them play comfortably and get acquainted with the hospital environment, cooperate in treatment, improve the efficiency of medical examination and treatment.

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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of Share99.net. I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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