Why is the embryo good but still not pregnant during IVF?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a assisted reproduction measure that makes it possible for couples to err on their aspirations as parents. However, not every in viin in viin insedation was successful, and many couples wondered why the embryo was good and still failed. Let's find answers through the article below.

1. What is in vism in vism fertilization?

In vi vism in vism fertilization is a complex sequence of procedures aimed at supporting reproduction for couples of late rarity. In in viin in vism fertilization, fertilization of healthy eggs (taken from the ovaries) is carried out in the laboratory to form embryos. Then these embryos are implanted back into the wife's uterus (except for special cases).

In vi vism in vism fertilization is the most effective method of assisted reproduction. Eggs and sperm used in in vismable in vise may be those of a couple performing the technique, or used by a donor. In special cases, the embryo will be implanted into the uterus of the surrogate mother.

in vi vism in vism fertilization

In vism in vism fertilization is an effective but complex method of assisted reproduction

2. Why is the embryo good but still not pregnant?

The final result of in viin in vism fertilization is the pregnancy and birth of healthy children, and pregnancy depends on a variety of factors, including:

  • The age of the woman who wants to get pregnant: The younger the woman, the greater the chances of successful pregnancy, the more likely it is to give birth to healthy babies, moreover young women can use their own eggs as in vismator fertilization , unlike women aged 41 and over, the age group needs to consider using donated eggs to increase success rates.
  • Embryo status: The more mature the embryo is before being implanted back into the uterus, the higher the success rate of pregnancy, but not all embryos can survive and develop successfully. The doctor will advise each specific patient carefully.
  • History of reproduction: Women who have previously gave birth will have a higher chance of successful pregnancy with in vi vismable fertilization. Women who are infertile due to severe endometriosis will find it harder to perform successful in vioator fertilization than those with unsusm causeless infertility.
  • Lifestyle factors: Women who smoke cigarettes typically get fewer eggs for in vi vism fertilization, and the risk of miscarriage is also greater. Smoking can reduce the rate of successful in viin fertilization by up to 50%. Obesity also lowers the likelihood of successful pregnancy and childbirth. The use of alcohol, neurosy stimulants, excessive caffeine consumption and taking certain therapeutic drugs is also at a disadvantage to the process of performing in vi vismable in vismable fertilization.

Thus, it can be seen that good embryos are very important, there are studies and reports that show that for good in vial fertilization of embryos can hold a success rate of up to 70%. However, good embryos are not everything, there are many other factors in the process that lead to successful pregnancy. The doctor will consult carefully on each specific case so that the patient can understand and coordinate towards the highest results.

Share99 IVF Assisted Reproduction Center is an address for infertility treatment – rarely chosen by many couples. So far the Center has provided assisted reproduction to over 1000 rare couples with a success rate of 45%-50%. This rate is comparable to developed countries such as the UK, USA, Australia,…

The center brings together a team of leading experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology nationally and internationally, trained in leading centers in the world such as the US, Singapore, Japan, Australia and famous assisted reproduction centers in the world.

With a high level of expertise and experience, Share99 IVF Fertility Center's team of experts is capable of comprehensively and comprehensively deploying the most advanced assisted reproduction techniques today, helping to realize the dream of parenthood of hundreds of families across Vietnam.

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE

Article reference source: mayoclinic.org


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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of Share99.net. I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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