The change of pregnant woman week 18

The article was consulted professionally by Master, Dr. Ly Thi Thanh Nha – Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology – Share99 Da Nang International Health Hub.

At the 18th week, the pregnant mother is in the second trimepcle and the development of the fetus is gradually slowing down, however you will begin to feel more movement. The fetus has begun to gain weight quickly and you will be able to gain from 2-4kg. Pregnant mothers will also feel physical differences this week.

1. Changes in the pregnant mother's body at the 18th week

The 2nd trimep is said to be the most pleasant period of pregnancy, however you can still see the following manifestations:

Back pain – the fact that the size of the uterus gradually grows with the fetus puts pressure on the spine of the pregnant mother and leads to the manifestation of back pain. You can reduce pain by leaning your legs against an object higher than the ground to relieve the pressure in the spine when sitting and soaking people in hot water so that the back muscles can relax.

Heartburn – heartburn can continue throughout pregnancy, so you should have a reasonable diet. Eat in small meals, avoid lying down immediately after eating and avoid spicy foods.

Bloating – during pregnancy, the hormone progesterone will relax the muscles, which leads to slow food consumption and bloating. Drink plenty of water and eat high-fiber foods. In addition, you should eat many small meals during the day instead of large ones, eat slowly and chew thoroughly.

Bleeding of thelegs – hormones secreted during pregnancy can cause root bleeding. Brush your teeth gently and talk to your doctor if root bleeding continues.

Edema in the legs – since the pregnant mother's body needs to store a lot of blood and fluids to nourish the fetus, edema usually occurs in the legs and ankles. To avoid this situation, you should not stand or sit in one place for too long.

Stretch marks – at the 18th week of pregnancy, your abdomen may have been exposed, and due to the development of the fetus, stretch marks may appear. This is a common phenomenon in all mothers. Regularly massage your abdomen with oil or body lotion to make stretch marks easier to blur after childbirth.

The change of pregnant woman week 18

Signs of stretch marks in week 18

2. Some tips for pregnant women week 18

It is normal for you to feel dizzy – a large amount of blood is brought to the fetus to support development, so you may feel dizzy due to not as much blood flow to the brain as before. Lie down if you feel dizzy and avoid getting up too quickly.

Add enough iron – eat a lot of irony such as red meat, spinach, broccoli … and take iron supplements to avoid anemia.

Selective oral supplements – some oral supplements have not been proven to support your health during pregnancy, so you should carefully study the medications before taking them.

To help women take care of their mother and fetus health during pregnancy, Share99 International Health Hub applies packages of maternity health care packages with outstanding quality. Pregnant women are supported by an experienced obstetrician and gynecologist at Share99 during pregnancy – labor – post-birth. Maternity packages at Share99 International Health Hub include:

  • 12-week maternity package
  • 27-week maternity package

Master. physician. Ly Thi Thanh Nha worked at Hue University Health Hub of Medicine and Pharmacy and Quang Tri General Health Hub before working at Share99 Danang International Health Hub. Dr. Nha has strengths and experience in the diagnosis of monitoring and treatment of pregnancy and pathology. Pregnancy screening. Perform cesarean section techniques. Laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cysts, extra-uterine pregnancy.

To register for examination and information about maternity packages at Share99 International Health Hub, you can contact the health system nationwide or register for an online examination HERE

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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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