Fetal development week 4

The article was consulted professionally by Specialist Ii Tran Thi Mai Huong – Obstetrics and Gynecology Department – Share99 HaiPhong InternationalHealth Hub.

Entering the 4th week of pregnancy, the baby's body and mother have made certain changes. The fetus has begun to form and develop those bodies and parts of the body. This is also an important time for you to plan your preparation for a healthy pregnancy and start the upcoming motherhood days.

1. How does the 4th week fetus develop?

The 4th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the strong development of the embryo. From this week 100, the baby's internal organs will begin to grow and function. Therefore, in this important time, the baby is very vulnerable from any factors that affect the development of the baby.

Your fetus is now only about 2mm small with sesame seeds and still does not have a certain shape, so if the mother is too active during this time, it will be very susceptible to conception, or even miscarriage. In the 4th week,the embryo has a structure of 3 layers: the epidermis, the mesenteration and the end of the envelope. These cells will gradually develop into the body parts and bodies of the fetus:

  • Outer envelope: this is the outer layer, which helps to form the nervous system, hair, skin, nails, mammary glands, sweat, and tooth enamel for the fetus.
  • Mesoderm: called mesoderm, which forms the baby's heart, genitals, bones, kidneys and muscles. At this time the baby's heart also begins to divide into compartments, beatings and pumping blood.
  • Endot envelope: called endoderm, which will develop into the digestive system, liver and lungs of the baby. During this time, the placenta and umbilical cord will work to provide oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

Besides the growth of the upper cells, two other parts are also active at this time, which are the amniotic membrane and yolk sac. Each department will assume different duties. Specifically, the amniotic membrane will be responsible for the protection of the embryo and the development of the baby in a complete way, because in the amniotic membrane is filled with amniotic fluid, forming a "cushion" for the baby. The yolk sac is a "powerful assistant" that helps to create blood and nourish the embryo until the placenta replaces that position.

2. Changes of the mother's body in the 4th week of pregnancy

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetus is already deep inside the uterus and continues the phenomenon of implantation. After successful pregnancy transplantation, the placenta produces a pregnancy hormone that prevents the lining of the uterus from peeling off, while sending a signal to the ovaries to prevent ovulation each month, causing the pregnant mother's menstruation to stop.

Fetal development week 4

Mother's menstruation stops during 4th week of pregnancy

During this period, you may have mild spasms and blood spots appear when the pregnancy implant is ongoing. These blood spots are usually pale pink or dark brown, it is easy to confuse with kinh blood.

Within 6-12 days after fertilization, eggs begin to release hCG, or gonadotropin diaphragm in humans. HCG helps ensure fetal growth by regulating and producing the nutrients and energy needed for the baby. By the 4th week of pregnancy, hCG hormone levels will increase in the urine, so that you can determine that you are pregnant. When hCG levels are high, it makes your mother feel tired, chest pain, or nausea, leading you to mistakenly believe that you are about to start menstruation.

3. Signs that you are 4 weeks pregnant

During the first month of pregnancy, the mother will feel a few discomforts, such as chest pain, the frequency of more urination and the body's frequent fatigue. This week, mothers may also show symptoms of early nausea.

Pregnant mothers at the time of pregnancy are often sensitive to different scents. The cause is an increase in estrogen levels in the mother's body, especially the 4th week of pregnancy. Besides, anorexia can also occur. Previously favorite dishes can be put on the "restricted list", because frequent vomiting causes your appetite to decrease, the pregnant mother no longer has the same appetite as before.

In addition, during the beginning of pregnancy, your body temperature will rise (about 37.5 degrees) for 18 consecutive days. Along with that, some women will appear light pink or dark brown fetal leopard blood.

If the above signs appear, you should take a pregnancy test at home with a pregnancy test stick, or schedule your first pregnancy examination to know for sure if you are pregnant or not.

4. A few tips for pregnant mothers in the 4th week of pregnancy

The first weeks of pregnancy are very sensitive times for the health of both mother and baby. Not only do you face fatigue, constant sickness, or the stress of pregnancy, but this stage is also very susceptible to miscarriage. Therefore, the following tips will be essential for the mother at this time to have a really healthy pregnancy.

  • Do not forget to take vitamin D supplements:

Vitamin D is essential to maintain a healthy bone and tooth structure, plus it helps you absorb large amounts of calcium. You can find vitamin D in foods such as milk, orange juice, or chicken egg yolks. In addition, you can supplement vitamin D with the natural energy that comes from the sun.

  • Avoid smoke:

Fetal development week 4

Frequent contact with smokers who harm mothers and babies

You may not smoke, but if you are in regular contact with smokers, try to avoid going elsewhere. Recent research has found that exposure to tobacco smoke can increase the risk of miscarriage, light weight, extra-intra-uterus pregnancy and other dangerous complications. In case you have a habit of smoking, then this will be the right time for you to give them up.

  • Addition of fats:

The fetus desperately needs fat to grow, especially essential fats such as omega-3 fatty acids. DHA is one of the substances belonging to the omega-3 fat group, which is the main component of the human brain and retina. In week 4, your baby's brain and eyes are growing and desperately need an essential amount of DHA every day. DHA is commonly used in oily fish such as salmon, anchovies, sardines or wild salmon, as well as from fruits such as walnuts, flax seeds and eggs.

  • Swimming:

It sounds a bit ridiculous, but actually safe and fun, low-impact swimming exercises will bring a lot of benefits to the heart. Like any aerobic exercise, swimming increases the body's ability to use oxygen, which is good for you and your baby. In addition, it also improves circulation and muscle edict, as well as increases your endurance. If you are a lover of swimming, do not hesitate. Try to swim for at least 20 minutes, three to four days a week, you will feel less tired and sleep better.

  • Dealing with bouts of nausea:

This week, you should stock up on lots of junk food, sweet biscuits and water to easily cope with bouts of nausea that can hit at any time.

  • Avoid alcohol, beer and toxic chemicals:

If the pregnant mother uses a lot of alcohol and is exposed to toxic chemicals during this period, it can have serious effects on the health of the fetus. Babies are at increased risk for fetal alcohol poisoning syndrome and a few other health implications.

To help women take care of their mother and fetus health during pregnancy, Share99 International Health Hub applies packages of maternity health care packages with outstanding quality. Pregnant women are supported by an experienced obstetrician and gynecologist at Share99 during pregnancy – labor – post-birth. Maternity packages at Share99 International Health Hub include:

  • 12-week maternity package
  • 27-week maternity package
  • 36-week maternity package
  • Package maternity – labor

Dr. Tran Thi Mai Huong has 25 years of experience in examination and treatment in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lower Road Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery. Held the position of deputy head of obstetrics and gynecology department, deputy head of delivery department – Hai Phong Obstetrics and Gynecology Health Hub. Have expertise and strengths in the field of:

  • Lower line surgery
  • Laparoscopic surgery
  • Difficult obstetric surgeries

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE

Article reference source: Mayoclinic.org, Webmd.com, Babycenter.com, Whattoexpect.com


  • Benefits of pregnancy in the 3 months between pregnancy
  • Benefits of pregnancy in the last 3 months of pregnancy
  • Instructions for supplementing multivitamins and Folic Acid for people preparing for pregnancy

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of Share99.net. I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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