Fetal development week 36

The article was consulted professionally by Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Share99 Hai Phong International Health Hub.

The fetus is 36 weeks old, also known as the 34th week after fertilization or the development of the 9th month of pregnancy. At this stage, the baby has an average weight of about 2600g, and the length ranges from 47-52 cm, the equivalent of a pear or a bunch of kale. Every day the baby will increase by about 28g.

1. Overview of fetal development of 36 weeks

With only 4 weeks to go before the baby will be born, through ultrasound images it can be seen that the fetus now looks more like a newborn, with smooth skin and petite legs. With the above body mass, the fetus has occupied most of the gap in the amniotic sac. This makes her no longer have enough space to perform the same pedals as before, but she can still feel her moving, curling and wiggling.

The baby has begun to move gradually down the birth line making the mother feel a little easier to breathe. If this is the first birth, the fetus may fall into the vaginal birth line as soon as this week. Therefore, mothers should also learn to distinguish the contractions of the uterus that signal false labor. From this stage until the end of pregnancy, the mother needs to go to the obstetrics and gynecology at least once a week.

2. Fetal development week 36

The fetus will be considered full month within the next few days, the baby's body is now ready to be born with the following specific characteristics:

  • Baby growth slows down

The fetus is almost ready for the narrow birth line to be born, the baby lies still to reserve energy to prepare for the upcoming labor and childbirth.

  • Loss of sebaceous wax cover

The white wax called fetal sebum that covered most of the baby's body during the last 9 months has now vanished. The fetus will swallow them as well as other substances that cause the intestines to begin to work. You'll see blue-black stools in your baby's first diaper.

  • Ear development

What can a 36-week fetus do? The baby's hearing has developed very sharply over the past few weeks. Studies show that after birth, the fetus can even recognize the voice and songs the mother often hears with the baby at this stage.

  • Full-body bones and soft skulls

When the mother was 36 weeks pregnant, the baby's skull fragments were still not complete to make it easier for the baby's head to move through the birth canal. Besides, most of the baby's bones and cartilage are also quite soft, allowing the process of childbirth to take place more easily. The whole body bone and skull of the fetus will harden in the first few years of life.

  • The digestive system is not ready yet

Up to this point, many functions in the baby's body have been quite mature and prepared for external life. For example, the blood circulation system has been perfected, and the immune system has developed enough to protect the baby from infection in the external environment of the uterus. However, other parts still need more time to fully mature, including the digestive system. Because when inside the womb, the baby receives nutrients based only on the umbilical cord, which means that the digestive system, although formed, is not yet active. It takes the first 1-2 years of life for the digestive system to fully perform normal functions.

You can refer to more information about fetal development through each period:

  • Fetal development week 33
  • Fetal development week 34
  • Fetal development week 35

Fetal development week 36

Fetal development week 36

3. Symptoms of pregnancy week 36

The development of the 36-week fetus is quite complete, the baby grows and gradually moves downwards causing the mother to fall abdominally. The changing gai course of the mother is quite pronounced, in addition to having some of the following symptoms:

Pelvic pain: To alleviate discomfort, the mother can relax by doing some exercises, taking a warm bath, applying a massage or trying some other supplements and alternatives.

Appearance of mucus: The mucus in the cervical is responsible for closing the lid of the amniotic sac that will begin to peel off, which may be a sign of opening the uterus. This mucus is quite dense, pale pink or white similar to nasal discharge.

Heartburn, constipation, flatulence or ingestion: Due to the stomach being pinched by the uterus, the mother will feel anorexia. It is recommended to break down meals and eat slowly to control the symptoms of digestive disorders well.

Fetal development week 36

The development of the 9th month fetus causes the mother's body to also change

Frequent urination: The fact that the baby is in the mother's pelvis will clog the bladder. Therefore, the mother will again have to go to the toilet much similar to the first 2 months of pregnancy. But it is not recommended to cut down on fluids to limit this condition because the mother's body is in desperate need of fluids to retain water like never before.

Vaginal volume with blood streaks: The mother will see mucus that is pinkish-red or brown after sex or a gynecologic examination. There is no need to be too concerned about this because the cervical may begin to dilate in preparation for childbirth.

Abdominal itching: Stretched abdominal skin can cause itching. Mothers should try cream containing cocoa butter or vitamin E to apply on the application to help soothe the itching and more comfortable feeling.

Edema in the 2 30s: Because the body has to retain a lot of fluids, the symptoms of edema are also more pronounced, sometimes affecting the whole face area. However, the mother should continue to drink plenty of water to remove excess sodium and other waste, helping to minimize swelling.

Insomnia: It's going to be hard for you to find a really comfortable lying position to sleep well. Avoid leaving the room too stuffy, keep cool by opening windows or using air conditioning.

M motherhood instincts: I may feel tired entering week 36, but I'm energetic in preparing everything for my baby to be born. The advice is to rest and eat adequately during this period.

4. Notes for mothers during the 36th week of pregnancy

In addition to knowing what a 36-week fetus is doing and how to grow, mothers should also keep in mind a few of the following notes to get ready for the baby's birth:

  • Pay attention to the movement of the fetus and inform the doctor if abnormalities are suspected;
  • Learn to recognize signs through vaginal mucus;
  • Notify relatives of the imminent date of birth;
  • Food supplements rich in Vitamin B6;
  • Monitor heart rate, blood pressure or body temperature;
  • Maximum relaxation (Insomnia and hormone changes can cause depression, anxiety and stress);
  • Prepare bags of items necessary for the day of labor;
  • Supplement more protein protein and omega-3 fatty acids from food.

In summary, the development of the 9th month fetus is almost complete to be ready for birth. The highlight is that at this time, the baby will lie still, less active pedals as before. Mothers should rest and eat to ensure the development of the 36-week fetus is comprehensive, avoiding the baby having to be born earlier than expected.

This is also a very sensitive time during pregnancy because the mother will be very easy to give birth early and there are many other problems that affect the health of the fetus such as umbilical cord vegetables wrapped around the neck, amniotic mitigation, young peeling vegetables … Therefore, you should have an ultrasound check-up more often to detect abnormalities early and take early intervention.

Obstetrics & Gynecology Department – Share99 National Health Hub is a medical facility that is highly appreciated by customers for its professional quality and professional services. It brings together a team of highly specialized doctors at home and abroad, ultrasound systems, medical equipment equipped with modern, high quality, accurate and scientific examination process will handle abnormalities during pregnancy and during labor quickly so that the mother has the safest pregnancy.

In particular, with the package " Maternity Package " at Share99 M&A Health Hub, mothers are monitored and ultrasound in a comprehensive way from pregnancy to childbirth and post-birth. In addition, to eliminate the pain of childbirth, Share99 also provides a complete "painless birth" during birth and after birth using non-morphine sural anesthesia and neurological anesthesia. During the birth process, the maternity will be instructed by the assistants how to properly push and breathe, the baby will be born in just 10-15 minutes. After birth, the baby will be cared for in a ileant room before being returned to his mother.

Maternity will be rested in a high-class hospital room, designed according to international hotel standards, 1 mother 1 room with full facilities and modern. The mother will be consulted by nutritionists on how to nourish the baby before being discharged from the hospital. Post-delivery re-examination with both mother and baby with leading obstetricians and pediatricians.

Fetal ultrasound

Pregnancy ultrasound at Share99

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE

Source: Webmd.com


  • Pregnancy but no weight gain, little weight gain: What are the causes?
  • Benefits of pregnancy in the last 3 months of pregnancy
  • How do the baby's senses develop during pregnancy?

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of Share99.net. I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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