The formation of cervical naboth cysts – is this cyst dangerous?

The layer of paved parsing of the pareroth cell when overgly developed, overs covering the glandular glands of the uterus will form cervical naboth cysts. Containing only cutotholysis, which is usually small and very smooth, are cervical naboth cysts dangerous?

1. What is cervical naboth cyst?

Cervical naboth cysts are small lumps, which form on the surface of the cervical.

Naboth cysts grow from an overgrown layer of paved carthm cells that cover the glandular carthm right at the border of the cervical joint.

When the cervical tissue secretes, this fluid does not flow anywhere, so the bulge forms the cyst.

Naboth cysts are as large as rice grains, bean seeds, which can be even larger depending on the time and degree of disease development. Naboth cysts are usually white or yellow, often very smooth.

Naboth cysts are inherently benign lesions, when they first appear very small, so they are usually only detected by chance when going to a general health examination. Some symptoms warn of cervical naboth cysts such as:

  • Menstrual disorders, irregular menstruation and more abdominal pain than usual
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Abnormally spoiled gases, light yellow color, unpleasant fishy odor
  • Pelvic pain, lower abdomen, bleeding after sex

However, these symptoms are not so typical that they are often easily confused with other gynecological diseases.

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Menstrual disorders, irregular menstruation and more abdominal pain than usual warn of cervical naboth cysts

2. Cervical naboth cysts are dangerous

Naboth cyst is merely a benign lesion of the cervical so it does not pose a danger, does not alter the menstrual cycle.

This cyst only affects women's reproduction health when accompanied by lesions or complications. The most common are inflammatory complications and infection of the spawning agency. Cystic mass when ruptured not only causes inflammation, infection in the cervical, but can also cause upstream inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, causing inflammation of the proboscis , affecting fertility.

This seriously affects the quality of women's sex life. Some other complications may be encountered but very few, which are the risk of causing infertility and cancer.

3. Treatment of cervical naboth cysts

Treatment of cervical naboth cysts often depends on the patient's condition and cyst size. Medical treatment may be used when the cyst is young or a larger tumour can be used if the tumour is larger:

  • Medical treatment :Usually applied to cases of small cystic mass, cyst size <10mm, mới hình thành. Taking therapeutic drugs helps to gradually reduce the size and digestion of the cyst.
  • Method of diplomacy:
    • Usually applied to cases of large cysts, causing compression into other parts of the abdominal cavity.
    • Often used methods: Poke, cold burn, cold burn.
    • Poking is poking the drainage of the solution, helping the cyst to digest, avoiding the enlarged cyst. This treatment usually applies when the cysts have grown enlarged and linked in clusters.
    • Electric combustion is also a technique that uses current to burn the outer layer of the cervical. When performing this technique only local anesthesia is required. This is a technique that is trusted today due to its many advantages: no pain and bleeding, no scars, smooth neck, does not affect the fertility of women.

What diseases should women periodically check

Treatment of cervical naboth cyst should be carried out at a reputable and quality hospital

Share99 International Health Hub offers female customers the gynecologic cancer screening and early detection package, whenregistering for the customer examination package will be:

  • Examination and consultation with obstetrician and gynecologist.
  • Perform necessary tests to help detect diseases early: cervical cancer – uterus – ovaries even if there are no symptoms.
  • Cervical cancer screening with tests such as Liqui Prep cellular testing, automatic system HPV genotype PCR test, ultrasound of uterus, vaginal ovaries.
  • Specialists will review the results of tests, examine specific cases to give appropriate advice.

Customers can directly go to Share99 Health System nationwide for examination or contact the hotline here for assistance.


  • Cervical naboth cyst: When to treat?
  • What is cervical naboth cyst disease?
  • Do naboth cysts smaller than 0.5cm require medical treatment?

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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