How does ethnicity, environment and lifestyle affect the skin?

The skin is one of the extremely important parts of the body, because it is the largest body that protects the rest of the body from germs and infectious effects. Therefore, to take good care of the skin, it is necessary to thoroughly learn about the factors that can affect skin health such as skin color, environment and lifestyle.

1. Skin color

Dermatologists categorin the skin color into 6 categories with type I being the brightest and type VI being the blackest. Columbia University dermatologist Monica Harlem said: "People aged four and over have more melanin in their skin that protects the skin from the sun. Or, people with dark skin often look younger than those with light skin. For example, a black African with skin type VI will not feel the aging effects of the sun compared to those with blonde, blue eyes, white skin in type I".

Despite this, more melanin puts the skin at higher risk of scarring and pigmentation problems. In addition, people with dark skin are not completely safe from the harmful effects of the sun. So it is important to wear sunscreen, even if it is dark skin.

2. Problems of aging skin

As the body ages the body begins to slow down the production of collagen and elastin. This leads to the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, exposure to the sun, the change in force will make the skin more prone to sagging.

Skin health is also constantly changing in old age. The skin will become thinner when the inner layer of the skin (dermis) begins to thin. Subcutaneous fat in the cheeks, chin and nose also disappears, making it easier for the skin to sag. The hair on the face increases and in women will undergo a possibleormonal change of acne.

See also Things that happen to your skin as you get older

For people with oily skin, acne may never stop when the person's age increases. But oily skin is a plus because it blurs wrinkles better than dry skin. That is because the oils on the skin keep the skin softer and smoother.

Using moisturizers is a way to alleviate the effects of wrinkles before they appear. If it is oily skin, just keep the skin clean and less wrinkled with non-allergenic moisturizers.

The body is resistant to free radicals – which cause attacks and destruction of cells, and collagen will also decrease slowly with age. Antioxidants have the effect of protecting free radicals, improving appearance, repairing lesions and moisturizing the skin. Many skincare products nowadays in its composition formula often include antioxidants.

Aging skin

Aging skin

3. The destruction of the sun on the skin

The destruction of the sun along with elements of age causes the skin to appear age spots, wrinkles and other skin problems, as well as can increase the risk of skin cancer. This influence appears in regardless of the type of skin.

See also Why Protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays?

Dermatologists say that some things happen naturally with age, but you won't want to speed up the process. What can speed up the process is sun exposure and skin damage from the environment. Exposure to the sun will be a cause of harm to the skin. And no skin type can be immune to the harmful effects of the sun. Up to 90% of cases will have skin damage. So we need to use sunscreen every day.

So how to choose sunscreen and use it properly?

  • Selection of sunscreens prevented by UVA and UVB rays (there should be the phrase "broad spectrum" written on the label of the cream box / tube). An FPS of at least 30 can provide protection against these two rays.
  • Apply sunscreen before going out and reapply the sunscreen at least every two hours. However, if the number of times of applying sunscreen will be more frequent if there is a lot of sweating.
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat and protective clothing such as long sleeves, trousers. It is advisable to consider the additives of soap that help clothes have an additional layer of UV protection for each wash or use special sunscreens designed to prevent ultraviolet rays. At the same time limit the time spent in the special sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. This is the time when the sun's rays are strongest.

Harm of UV rays in the sun

The destruction of the sun on your skin

4. Some other factors affecting skin health

Smoke, cleaning chemicals and air pollution can all cause skin problems. Smoking makes the skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Besides, smoking narrows small blood vessels in the outer layers of the skin, reducing blood flow and making the skin lighter. This also depletes oxygen and nutrients important for skin health.

Smoking also damages collagen and elastin – are fibers that give the skin strength and elasticity. In addition, repetitive facial expressions that are performed when smoking, such as eyelids when inhaled and squinted to avoid smoke – can all contribute to wrinkles on the skin.

In addition, smoking can also increase the risk of scab cell tissue cancer. If smoking, then the best way to protect the skin is to give up tobacco. Some treatments can be consulted by your doctor so you can give up your cigarettes.

Besides, stress will produce hormones that increase the levels of free radicals in the body. This hormone inhibits the immune system, dehydration of the body, and the skin becomes dry. It can be the cause of acne because the effects of stress factors have upset the body's ability to help the skin recover on its own and cause rashes, eczema, redness or itching. Stress also impairs the body's ability to fight free radicals and bacteria.

For healthy skin and a good mental state, take steps to manage stress. At the same time, get enough sleep, set reasonable limits, make to-do lists, and take the time to work and enjoy yourself.

Air pollution

Air pollution can cause skin problems

5. Follow a healthy lifestyle to get a healthy skin

  • Exercise: Exercising can reduce stress to make sleep deeper and tas better. This leads to healthier skin.
  • Heavy sleep: Sleep is an opportunity to make the skin repair the damage caused during the day. Seven to eight hours a night allows the face to relax and do it thanks to wrinkles.
  • Use a number of special tools to avoid dirt, smoke, and skin rejuvenation effects.
  • Healthy eating: Food affects the skin because this is a factor that can be observed when there is a deficiency of nutrients. For example, if there is a lack of vitamin C, it can cause scorbut disease. Or zinc deficiency can lead to red and scaly rashes. Or iron deficiency can lead to hair loss. For healthy skin build yourself a balanced, healthy diet.
  • Drink plenty of warm water to moisturize the skin from the inside: Because when drinking water the cells will absorb that water and at this time the skin will look tighter, blurring more wrinkles.
  • Say no to stimulating drinks and caffeine: These are drinks that can cause body and skin dehydration. For example, coffee, alcohol and soda can deplete the body's nutrients causing skin fatigue and dullness. Thereby causing redness of the skin and worsening the conditions of the skin.
  • Limit bath time: Hot baths and long baths with a shower or bath will remove all oil from the skin. It is recommended to use warm water and bathe less.
  • Avoid using strong soaps and detergents, because they can remove oil from the skin. Instead, use gentle products.


Build a healthy diet

Besides the skin care and protection measures taken at home, you can refer to skin rejuvenation methods with cosmetic interventions. Learn more about PRP Thromboyeritis-Rich Plasma in the video below:

Reference source:;


  • Stem Cell Secretion Therapy (EXOSOME) for Skin Rejuvenation
  • Foods that are not good for acne skin
  • Summer Facial Guide

  • What are melasma? Why melasma occurs in women more than men
  • Collagen and your body: Things to know
  • How to tone sagging skin with 6 great tips

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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