Colonectomy endoscopy procedure must expand in combination with lymph node dredging

Currently, the colonoscopy technique must expand the combination of lymphadenopathy that is being used for patients with tumors or colon cancer, which gives patients more advantages than other methods.

1. Understanding colonectomy endoscopy must expand the combination of lymph node dredging

An enlarged colonectomy is the removal of 10 to 15cm of the ileum, clues, colon up, the right half of the colon, and the corresponding mescosa performed by laparoscopic surgery. Repeat gastrointestinal circulation by connecting the ileum to the colon across the small open line of the abdominal wall.

Lymphadenopathy is a colonectomy that must be determined by the removal of the colon ileum, the right colon, the middle colon, and the right-connect corneal artery close to the root.

2. Intrained and contrainttrained

  • Colonectomy is generally required for hepatic angular colon cancer or in the horizontal colon near the corner of the liver.
  • Contraincularity for patients with severe hematoma disorders, having respiratory cardicardimonary diseases; when the tumour is already too large to invade widely; patients who are too fat, unbearable weakness, should consider when having a colonectomy.

3. What should be prepared before surgery?

Blood type test with fasting required

Before surgery need fasting
  • The colon needs to clean the stool before surgery. The patient only drinks milk on the first day and drinks sugar water on the second day. Clean the intestines in ways that may be indentation or drinking an adiced solution, depending on the instructions and the doctor's instructions.
  • Absolute fasting, bathing with sterilized soap the night before surgery. Discontinuation of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-blood clot drugs.
  • Let your doctor know if your bowel is not clean, or any of your discomforts before surgery.

4. Procedure for performing surgery

  • Step 1: Probe to assess liver and peritoneal musentation and then find the ano daisile-colon pulse bundle, creating two windows above and below this vascular bundle
  • Step 2: Evaluate the ureter
  • Step 3: Surgery along the upper mesentereal vein and from the base of the artery that ileum ileum. Clamp and cut the animeavascular vessels. The right arterial artery must be removed, then the right duodenal vein must be cut off and left the right-connect corneal vein close to the base of the Henle vein.
  • Step 4: The large conjunctiv connector is released into the conjunctivea. Cut the large conjunctivea in the direction from the middle to the peripheral and to the right conjunctivitis artery. Separation of the duodenum, head of ileum from the mesentery of the horizontal colon.
  • Step 5: Release the liver angle colon from left to right or right to left.
  • Step 6: Cut the end of the ileum with stapler and the ileum is mobile.
  • Step 7: Use trocar on the right and on the pubic bone, the horizontal colon is raised to recognize the duodenum and the middle colon circuit.
  • Step 8: Large macicuration removal continues to the left by large conjunctivitis with a pan and completely expands into the conjunctiva, so avoid pulling the spleen. Release the angular spleen colon by pulling the colon to the center and cutting the fixed part, pulling the angular colon from the peritoneum into the back.
  • Step 9: The left colon cuts across the stapler, from the trocar hole on the right. The mescosa of the ileum and the lowered colon are lifted and the mouth connecting the ileum is made with stapler inserted through the trocar hole on the pubic bone. Two intestinal perforation holes for stapler fitting are stitched with only two layers of monosilk in the body. The open mescitonea can be opened.
  • Step 10: put the specimen in a specialized bag, cover the incision through the expansion of the umbilical trocar hole or on the pubic bone. Close the skin with only 4-0 .

5 Track and handle accidents

Vaginal bleeding after taking the emergency contraceptive pill

Monitoring,caring for patients and giving patients antibiotics after surgery


  • Post-surgery care such as gastrointestinal surgeries
  • Rehydration of electrolyses for patients, monitoring drainage, urine after surgery
  • Give the patient antibiotics after surgery
  • After surgery, patients can start feeding diluted such as porridge, milk.

Handling accidents

  • Large tumours are not allowed to have laparoscopic surgery, open surgery is required
  • During surgery may bleed, find out why
  • Perforation of the duodenum, right cut of the ureter, holding to find a specific treatment.
  • After surgery, the patient shows signs of bleeding in the abdomen, monitored if necessary, then re-operate, open surgery or endoscopy
  • Patients with oral podiums, re-surgery to take the two intestinal heads out temporarily
  • Intestinal obstruction after surgery for causes and examination
  • Residual abs absss in the abdomen need to be cleaned, abdominal conduction.

Share99 International Health Hub with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in neurological examination and treatment, patients can be assured of examination and treatment at the Health Hub.

To register for examination and treatment at Share99 International Health Hub, you can contact Share99 Health System nationwide, or register for an online examination HERE.


  • Advantages of gastric endoscopy and anesthesia colonoscopy
  • Right and left colonectomy in the treatment of rectal cancer
  • The need for colorectal cancer screening


  • Right and left colonectomy in the treatment of rectal cancer
  • Complications that may be encountered during right colonoscopy
  • Possible complications in enlarged colonoscopy

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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