Intt management anesthesia surgery for appendicitis peritonitis

The article was consulted professionally by Specialist Doctor II Dinh Van Loc – General Surgeon – Share99 Da Nang International Health Hub.

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Appendicitis is a condition in which the person has a peritoneal infection caused by a rupture of the appendix. This disease is very dangerous, easily spread into an abdominal infection, and if it is not timely emergency treatment the person may die.

1. Symptoms of appendicitis

Appendicitis is a peritoneal infection. The patient will have the following clear signs:

Abdominal pain: Abdominal pains persist, smoldering rather than breaking down into bouts such as acute appendicitis. The level of pain is more severe. When active or coughing the pain will be greater than usual.


Abdominal wall spasms: Appendicitis spasms the abdominal wall. Gently pressing your finger on your abdomen will feel pain.

High fever: Peritoneal infections cause pain, body temperature can rise and are accompanied by common fever symptoms such as dry lips due to lack of water, bad breath, rapid pulse, shortness of breath,…

Hiccups: Peritonitis irritates the muscles causing the person to cause constant hiccups. However, this symptom occurs only initially and quickly decreases after 1-2 hours.

Patients with high fever

Appendicitis causes patients to have a high fever

2. How dangerous is appendicitis?

Appendicitis is dangerous, which can lead to death if the patient is not treated in time.

If detected early, the inflammation in the peritonea is only in a small part, the scope of infection is small. If the disease persists, it can cause the entire mesentanity and abdomen to become infected, causing fluid retention and purulent condensation.

3. Intt management anesthesia surgery for appendicitis peritonitis

  • The patient will have to fast, drink before 6-8 hours.
  • Basic tests, lung scans, electrocardimonary examinations, anesthesia examination to assess the general health situation of patients.
  • Use intteal anesthesia to operate on appendicitis. Place the patient in a position to lie on his back, head low, tilted left.
  • Examination of the abdomen generally assesses the mesitonees and organs.
  • Surgery reveals the appendix and mesenterosis of the appendix to close to the root.
  • Cut the appendix out of the ileum, seal the root of the suspension, use a pair of clips or stitching tools (Stapler) to cut and prevent the appendicitis with an endoscopic electric knife.
  • Sodium Chloride rinsing salt pump to wash the peritoneal drive. Suck and clean the peritonitis area.
  • Take out the product. Close the trocar position on the abdominal wall. Anesthesia permeates troca locations
  • After the operation of appendicitis peritonitis, the patient is taken to the resuscitation room, where the patient is monitored until the anesthetic has run out.

Patient Emergency

After surgery the patient is monitored until he wakes up

4. Patient care after surgery for appendicitis peritonitis

  • Use of strong antibiotics according to antibiotics or in experience
  • Full compensation for electric water after surgery
  • Monitor infections, fever, leukocytics, CRP …
  • Analgesy for fever
  • Prevention of nausea and vomiting
  • Eating enough substances enhances resistance, restores health early and shortens the duration of treatment
  • Rest, activity, gentle movement, mode mode mode.
  • Eat liquid, soft, easily digested foods to relieve pressure on the digestive tract.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • If the pain persists, it is possible to consult a doctor who prescribes additional painkillers to take.
  • Think comfortably, avoid stress so that the appendix avoids figs, inflammation.
  • Re-examine periodically as instructed by your doctor.

Appendicitis is extremely dangerous. Therefore, if there is a continuous manifestation of abdominal pain, vomiting, high fever, it is necessary to go to a reputable medical facility for examination and appropriate treatment direction.

Share99 International Health Hub is one of the hospitals that strictly applies the standards of safe surgical anesthesia practice according to international guidelines. Share99 has a team of experienced anesthesiators and nurses, modern equipment such as: nerve detectors, ultrasound machines, Karl Storz's difficult airway control system, GE's comprehensive AoA (Adequate of Anesthesia) monitoring system including anaesthesia monitoring, pain and muscle dilation will bring high quality and safety , help patients with sufficient anesthesia, no awakening, no residue of muscle relaxes after surgery.

After surgery, our patients are always in good analgesous care, prevent vomiting for patients at risk of nausea and vomiting after surgery, have a warm system during and after surgery so most patients are very satisfied, move early, recover and be discharged earlier …

Dr. Dinh Van Loc graduated as a General Doctor in Hue in 1990, graduated from Specialist I in 2003 and Specialist II Anesthesithesiist in 2017. Dr. Loc is highly trained in advanced anesthesia and has more than 23 years of experience in pediatric intensive resuscitation anesthesia, cranial neuropsychihetism, anesthesia for hepatic rehabilitation surgery, mental removal at the Health Hub.

Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist as well as customers wishing to see and treat at Share99 International Health Hub, you can contact Share99 Health System nationwide or register online HERE.


  • Symptoms of Acute Appendicitis
  • Complications of acute appendicitis
  • Appendicitis: What to know

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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