Laparoscopic surgery for su stool intestinal obstruction in newborns

The article was consulted professionally by Resident Doctor Le Thanh Tuan – General Department – Share99 Nha Trang International Health Hub. The doctor has extensive experience in examination, treatment and surgery of abdominal diseases.

Intestinal obstruction in newborns is a common diplomatic emergency at an infant age. The disease is caused by many causes, in which su stool intestinal obstruction is a common cause, the disease if not diagnosed and handled in a timely manner is most likely to lead to death from intestinal necrosis.

1. What is su stool intestinal obstruction?

Obstruction of the stool intestine is an abnormally dense condition that binds to the mucous membranes of the entire end of the ileum causing complete obstruction of the small intestine, signs of the disease often manifest immediately after birth. The edict of the entire ileum atrophy in the lap is filled with stools, the ileum above the enlarged blockage in the lap is filled with liquid stools.

Su stool adhesion is caused by the appearance of abnormal mucus, in addition to in the intestines of this mucus also appears in many other outward glands suchas pancreas, liver, lungs, intestines, sweat glands, salivary glands, genital glands, nasal mucosa. However, the most affected bodies are the pancreas and intestines, so su stool intestinal obstruction may be an early sign of pancreatic cystic fibrosis.

Obstruction of the intestines of the stool may not have complications if detected early, treated in a timely manner. But if detected late there may be complications such as perforation of the intestines, twisting of the intestines causing intestinal necrosis; if complications during pregnancy cause intestinal atrophy ,purulent peritonitis. These dangerous complications can increase the risk of infant death. Therefore, when seeing signs of suspicion, it is necessary to examine for timely treatment and monitoring.

Manifestations of the disease such as:

  • Do not go out with stools: Usually the child will discharge splastics after birth about 6 to 8 hours, with the properties usually black and sticky pasty plastics.
  • Vomiting a lot: This is an early sign of the disease, which usually occurs in the early hours after birth. Vomiting usually has yellow or blue bile fluid, sometimes vomiting even intestinal fluid.
  • Abdominal obstruction: The child's abdomen is more enlarged than usual, the intestinal passes can be seen floating on the abdominal wall. However, this is a late sign, depending on the location of the blockage, if the blockage is high in the gastrointestinal tract, usually the abdomen does not distension but sometimes flattens.
  • Some children find abnormalities with no anus or a sealed anal opening.

These signs should be examined immediately to be monitored and some extra subclinical tests to be diagnosed early. In many cases, babies are diagnosed pre-baby thanks to an ultrasound of the pregnancy in the middle and last 3 months of pregnancy that sees images of dil dilated or brightened intestinal cotras.

Children vomit at night

Obstruction of the stool intestine causes the child to vomit a lot

2. Laparoscopic surgery for su stool intestinal obstruction in newborns

As a surgical emergency that needs to be treated early, if the disease is detected early without complications, it is prescribed conservative treatment by indentation and monitoring for 6-12 hours, if it fails, it will turn to surgical methods.

Surgical treatment is indicated when intestinal obstruction in babies comes late, conservative treatment fails. Laparotomy has a tampering operation. Cut off the enlarged intestinal head so that the remaining glass of the intestinal head is enlarged to become equivalent to the glass of the small intestinal head, stitching up the beveled cut and then connecting the intestine to the end. This method of intestinal contest has overcome the disadvantages that other intestinal congestion methods in the newborn intestinal obstruction have suffered, so it is now almost a surgical procedure used by pediatric surgeons in the intestinal suture of the newborn intestinal obstruction. Disadvantages: due to multiple intestinal sutures surgery, there is an increased risk of deflated in the position of these stitches. This way of cutting the intestines has been called by some authors as a "pencil peeling" method. Compared to open surgery, laparoscopic surgery for intestinal obstruction in newborns has many advantages such as:

  • Laparoscopic surgery is less invasive due to the small abdominal cuts.
  • Scars both externally and internally are smaller than open surgery.
  • This method is less painful, the child does not suffer much.
  • The hospitalization time is shorter, due to the shorter hospitalization time, so the cost of treatment is also significantly reduced.
  • Due to the less invasive, small cuts, the recovery time is faster.

The following notes after surgery:

  • After surgery the child is used to monitor for signs of survival, use of antibiotics, rehydration and electrolyses by intravenously.
  • Monitor for post-surgical complications.

Laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of stool intestinal obstruction in children has many advantages over traditional surgery, the health of babies is weak, so laparoscopic surgery is less invasive and quickly recovers more suitable for the child.

Pulmonary dysbolism in babies

After surgery, children should be closely monitored to avoid dangerous complications

Su stool intestinal obstruction is that if not detected and treated early, it can endanger the life of the child. Therefore, if the child is born with abnormal signs of the gastrointestinal line, it is necessary to immediately notify the medical staff for early diagnosis and treatment.

When children show signs of intestinal obstruction, parents can take them to Share99 International Health Hub for examination, diagnosis and treatment. There is a team of well-trained pediatricians with high technical qualifications, experienced in medical examination and treatment of diseases of babies, children and children under 16 years old. Share99 is equipped with modern and advanced medical supplies and professional service quality will support to bring high efficiency in diagnosing and treating patients.

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE


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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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