Causes and causes of burns

The article was written by Specialist Doctor II Phan Phi Tuan – Head of General Department of General Surgeon, General Department – Share99 Phu Quoc International Health Hub.

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Burns are the body's emergency damage caused by heat, chemicals, current, radiation, friction. This was a common accident in both peace and war. In the United States, about 1.4-2 million people suffer burns annually, half of them are in temporary inorushed, 70,000 to 108,000 have inpatient treatment, and about 6 500–10,000 patients die from burns.

1. Causes of burns

  • Most burns are caused by accidents, accounting for about 60% – 65%.
  • Occupational accidents cause about 5% – 10% of the total number of patients with burns. most of the cases encountered in metallurgy enterprises, chemicals, petroleum, cement furnaces, mines, gas, synthetic plastics …
  • Burns caused by traffic accidents account for about 2% due to fire of vehicles, ships, boats, aircraft.
  • Burns caused by suicide (self-immolation) or harm (acid attack) account for a very low percentage but have severe consequences for both health and psychology.
  • interval < 1% là bỏng do điều trị như chườm nóng, đắp parafin nóng, trị liệu bằng tia xạ.
  • Burns caused by natural disasters such as volcanic lava, this cause is almost not found in Vietnam.
  • The extent of burns is sometimes singular but there are also times when mass burns such as car fires, house fires, explosions of oil pipes cause fires…..
  • Burns can be merely or coordinated with other lesions such as trauma, inclusion syndrome…..

How does electrical burns handle it?

Burns are mainly caused by accidents in daily life

2. Causes of burns

2.1 Due to heat

The most common effect can be wet heat or dry heat.

  1. Wet heat: is a type of burn more common in children than adults. The causes are usually boiling water, hot and boiling food, boiling hot oil … The temperature of wet burning causes is usually not as high as dry burns.
  2. Dry heat: most commonly fire burns with temperature births such as firewood burning 1 3000C- 1 4000C, gasoline 8000C- 1 4000C. It is also possible to burn fuel depots, synthetic plastics, chemicals, fires caused by explosions of methane gas (CH4) in the pit, due to the explosion of oxygen tanks. Fire burns are extensive, deep and can cause respiratory burns. Spark burns are also thermal burns, very high temperatures up to 3 2000C- 4 8000C, in a short time, only 0.2-1 seconds. Mainly due to infrared radiation. Burns caused by hot objects directly impact such as melt metal in metallurgy technology, red hot metals such as irons, motorcycle tubes

2.2 Due to cold

Very rarely, due to exposure to wet, windy or cold conditions.

2.3 Due to electricity

Is burns caused by electric current transmitted through the body, divided into 2 types;

  1. High voltage: voltage above 1000V, lightning strike is the type of electric burn with the strongest voltage effect.
  2. Lower voltage: Voltage below 1000V, usually household electricity.

Electrical flow when transmitted through the body causes electric shock and electrical burns. The essence is that electrical energy turns into thermal energy and due to the direct effect of the current creates a perforated effect that damages cell tissue.

What to do when there is an electric shock caused by an electric shock?

Burns caused by touching high voltage power

2.4 Radiation

Burns caused by infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, lasers, gama rays, β …

2.5 Due to chemicals

Usually divided into 3 main groups:

  • Strong acids and analogs: H2SO4, HF …
  • Strong base and analogues: NaOH, KOH
  • Heavy metal salts and substances similar to KMnO4.
    Do: usually mild, only insible damage, due to rubbing the skin with hard objects.

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  • Instructions for treatment and rehabilitation for burn patients
  • What medicine should I apply to heal quickly?
  • Initial first aid when burned

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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