Does sweetness easily increase the risk of gestational diabetes?

According to statistics, 1 in 7 pregnant women experience gestational diabetes, which is even higher in pregnant women with a sweet appetite during pregnancy. Studies show that a less sweet diet reduces the risk of gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

1. What is gestational diabetes?

As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), gestational diabetes mellitus (or gestational diabetes) is a disorder of glucose tolerance to any degree, onctaking or being detected for the first time during pregnancy. The condition is usually asymptoatic so it is difficult to detect and will disappear after 6 weeks from birth.

Gestational diabetes mellitus is a common pathology, which is common during pregnancy. The cause of the disease is that during this period the mother's body has hormonal changes that reduce the effectiveness of the insulin produced. These hormones are also a stimulating signal for nutrients from the mother's body to be transmitted to the fetus, which is also the cause of pregnant women's appetite for foods high in sugar.

2. Gestational diabetes mellitus is dangerous for both mother and baby

Notes in the diet for people with diabetes mellitus during pregnancy

Gestational diabetes causes pregnant women to face many risks such as multiple amniotic fluid, premature birth, high blood pressure, pre-maternity seizures

Gestational diabetes causes pregnant women to face such risks as multiple amnioticfluid, premature birth, high blood pressure, pre-maternityjerks, seizures, post-birth blood bandages… For the fetus, gestational diabetes will increase the incidence of fetal malformations, the fetus is prone to growth disorders (the pregnancy is too big or too small)… The fetus may even die suddenly due to excessively high blood glucose levels without any signs.

3. Sweetness increases risk of gestational diabetes

Many pregnant women have a scientific, healthy diet before pregnancy, but during pregnancy, pregnant mothers are sweet and consume a lot of foods containing high amounts of sugar, if the pregnant woman does not control sweet cravings, as well as does not receive specific advice on proper nutrition, it is very easy to get gestational diabetes.

The consumption of a lot of sweets or carbohydrates can affect the development of the fetus. At the same time, excess sugar in the blood due to gestational diabetes mellitus or unmanied type 2 diabetes mellitus will cause the above dangerous complications.

Excess sugar will cross the placenta and increase fetal blood sugar. As a result, the baby will have to increase the secretion of insulin, a hormone that regulates the amount of sugar in the body, causing the baby to grow larger. Therefore, the process of childbirth may also experience more complications.

4. Less sweet diet helps prevent gestational diabetes risk

Low-sugar diet

To prevent gestational diabetes, a reduced-sugar, slimming diet is essential

To prevent gestational diabetes, a reduced-sugar, slimming diet is essential. Studies show that a less sweet diet reduces the risk of gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

Limiting sugar does not mean that sugar is not used at all in eating, instead pregnant women should replace refined sugar in candy, cake or soft drinks with more beneficial foods such as cereals, fruits and vegetables containing natural sugars. Pregnant women can also follow basic principles such as: Breaking down meals, choosing a source of starch rich in fiber, prioritizing healthy fat sources, eating more greens, milk and dairy products, ensuring sufficient protein content in the daily diet.

Share99 International Health Hub offers a full maternity care program for women from the very beginning of pregnancy from the first months with a full range of pregnancy examinations, 3D ultrasounds, 4D routines and routine tests to ensure the mother is always healthy and the fetus develops comprehensively. In addition to regular visits, women will also be consulted on nutrition and exercise so that the mother can gain weight properly and the fetus still absorbs nutrients well.

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE


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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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