What should be eaten to increase muscle?

Both nutrition and physical activity are important if you want to have toned muscles. Protein supplements are top muscle gain items, but carbs and fats are also a necessary source of energy.

1. egg

Eggs contain high-quality proteins, healthy fats and other important nutrients, such as B vitamins and choline. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which in eggs have a large amount of leucine amino acids, which are especially important for increasing muscles. In addition, B vitamins in eggs also play an important role for many processes in the body, including energy production.

2. Some types of fish

2.1. Salmon

Salmon is an excellent option for muscle building in particular and overall health in general. Each 3-ounce (85g) serving of salmon contains about 17g of protein, nearly 2g of omega-3 fatty acids and some important B vitamins. Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in body health, helping to increase muscle when combining a professional workout regime.

2.2. Tuna

In addition to 20g of protein per 85g serving, tuna also contains large amounts of vitamin A and some B vitamins (including B12, niacin and B6). These nutrients are important for health, helping to increase energy and exercise performance.

In addition, tuna also provides a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, supporting muscle health, especially in older people. Research has explained that omega-3 fatty acids can slow down the process of deterioration of strength and muscle loss with age.


Tuna, salmon all support muscle health

2.3. Tilapia

Although there is not as much omega-3 fatty acids as salmon, tilapia is also a protein supplement. A serving of 85g perch provides about 21g of protein, along with good amounts of vitamin B12 and selenium. Vitamin B12 is important for blood cells and nerves, helping you perform well the exercises necessary for muscle growth.

3. Types of meat

3.1. Chicken breast

Chicken breast is considered a main dish on the muscle gain menu thanks to its high protein content. Each serving of 85g of chicken breast has about 26g of high-quality protein. Some studies have explained that a protein-rich diet containing chicken also supports fat loss.

Many vitamins B niacin and B6 are also found in chicken breast, which is especially important for regular active people. These vitamins help the body to function well throughout physical exercise, which is essential to increase muscle.

3.2. Turkey breast

An 85g serving of turkey breast contains about 25g of protein and is almost free of fat or carbs. Turkeys are also a good source of B niacin vitamins, which help process fats and carbohydrates in the body. In addition, the optimal content of B vitamins in the body will help you increase muscle over time.

3.3. Lean beef

Beef is abundant in high-quality protein, B vitamins, minerals and creatine. Some studies have in turns out that consuming red lean meat, combined with regular weight training, can increase muscle mass.

However, it should be noted about high calories in beef. For example, 85g of 70% lean beef contains 228 calories and 15g of fat. Meanwhile, a portion of lean beef 95% of the same weight contains more protein, but only 145 calories and 5g of fat.

3.4. Dry lean beef

Most fat is removed from dry lean beef during processing, so almost all calories in dry beef come directly from protein. This is a high-quality source of protein, which stimulates muscle growth and is easy to take away, conveniently making snacks.

3.5. Pork tenderloin

Pork is widely consumed in many countries. The loin is very lean, provides 18g of protein/85g and is quite low in fat. Some studies show that pork has the same effect as other protein supplements on the muscle gain menu, such as beef and chicken.

Health risks of eating raw, re-pork

Pork helps increase muscle

4. Dairy Products

4.1. milk

Milk provides a mixture of fast and slow digestive proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Thanks to this milk is very beneficial for muscle growth. Some studies say people can increase muscle mass when drinking milk in combination with physical exercise.

4.2. Greek yogurt

Yogurt is not only a high-quality protein supplement, but also a mixture of 20% whey protein (fast digestion) and 80% casein protein (slow digestion), which helps to increase and grow muscles.

However, not all dairy products are the same. For example, Greek yogurt usually contains almost twice as much protein as regular yogurt. Although Greek yogurt is a good snack and can be taken at any time, consumption after workouts or before bedtime can bring more benefits.

4.3. Fresh cheese

A cup (226g) of low-fat fresh cheese contains 28g of protein, of which there is a large amount of leucine amino acids that help build muscle.

Like other dairy products, fresh cheese has a variety of fat content. For example, whipped cream cheese will be richer in fat and more calories. Depending on the number of calories you want to add to your muscle gain menu, you can choose the right cheese.

5. seafood

5.1. shrimp

Each serving of 85g of shrimp contains 18g of protein – almost pure, along with 1g of fat and 0 carbs. Like many other animal proteins, shrimp contain a large amount of leucine amino acids – essential for maximum muscle growth. Shrimp is a simple option to get muscle-building protein, without adding too many calories.

5.2. Scallops

Scallops provide a lot of protein with very little fat and calories. Specifically, 85g of scallops contain about 20g of protein and less than 100 calories. This is a good suggestion on the list of what to eat to increase muscle.

6. Soy Products

6.1. soy

Half a cup (86g) of cooked soybeans contains 14g of protein, healthy unsaturated fats and some other vitamins and minerals.

Soybeans are a particularly good source of vitamin K, iron and phosphorus. Iron is responsible for storing and transporting oxygen in the blood and muscles. Iron deficiency can weaken these functions. Young women are at high risk of iron deficiency due to blood loss during menstruation.

Soy milk

Soybeans are high in vitamins and minerals

6.2. Edamame

Edamame is the term for whole soybeans, served in many Japanese dishes. A cup (155g) of frozen edamame provides about 17g of protein and 8g of fiber, in addition to containing large amounts of folate, vitamin K and manganese. In it, folate helps the body process amino acids, which are important for increasing muscle mass and strength, especially in the elderly.

6.3. bean curd

Tofu is produced from soy milk, which is often used to replace meat. 124g raw tofu contains 10g of protein, 6g of fat and 2g of carbohydrates. It is also a good source of calcium, which is very important with muscle function and bone health. The soybean protein found in tofu is considered the highest source of vegetable protein. Therefore, this is a great option for vegetarian muscle gain menus.

7. Legumes and seeds

7.1. Chickpeas

Known in English as chickpeas or garbanzo, chickpeas provide plenty of healthy carbs and proteins. Each cup of 240g canned chickpeas contains about 12g of protein and 50g of carbs, including 10g of fiber.

As with many other plants, the protein in chickpeas is of lower quality than animal sources. However, this can still be part of a balanced diet, which helps build muscle.

7.2. peanut

Half a cup of 73g peanuts contains 17g of protein, 16g of carbs, 425 calories and a large amount of unsaturated fat. Peanuts also contain higher amounts of leucine amino acids than many other plants.

7.3. almond

Half a cup (about 172g) of almonds provides 16g of protein and a large amount of vitamin E, magnesium and phosphorus. Phosphorus helps the body to use carbohydrates and fats to generate energy at rest, as well as during exercise. But like peanuts, almonds should only be consumed in mode mode of weight due to their high caloric content (more than 400 calories per half cup).

7.4. The other kind

Many different legumes are often present in what diet to increase muscles. Common types such as black beans, pinto chamomile and kidney beans, contain about 15g of protein per cup (172g) cooked.

Moreover, they are an excellent source of fiber and B vitamins, in addition to being rich in magnesium, phosphorus and iron. For these reasons, beans become a good source of vegetable protein to add to the muscle gain menu. In addition, beans can also help prevent diseases and support long-term health.

8. Protein Powder

Although it is advisable to prioritize the loading of nutrients from natural food sources, sometimes additional products can also be beneficial. If you can't eat a lot of protein-rich foods, you can take more protein powder daily. Muscle gain whey milk powder is the most common type.

There are also many other options such as casein protein powder, soy protein powder, legumes, beef or chicken.

9. Source of carbohydrates

9.1. Quinoa County

Although each cup of 185g of cooked quinoa contains only 8g of protein, they can help provide about 40g of carbs, as a fuel for active energy. Quinoa also contains 5g of fiber and a large amount of magnesium and phosphorus. Magnesium plays an important role in muscle and nerve function – two essential factors that help you to exercise.

9.2. buckwheat

Buckwheat is a nut that can be ground into powders, which are used as substitutes for traditional powders. Half a cup of 60g buckwheat flour contains about 8g of protein, along with plenty of fiber and other carbs.

Buckwheat is a very popular healthy food due to its abundant content of vitamins and minerals, including many B vitamins, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus. These nutrients help your body stay healthy enough to perform muscle building exercises.

9.2. brown rice

Although cooked brown rice provides only 5g of protein per cup (195g), they contain carbohydrates necessary to power physical activity. It is recommended to replenish healthy sources of carbs such as brown rice or quinoa seeds to help you exercise harder, stimulating muscle growth.


Brown rice contains a lot of carbohydrates

10. What to avoid

In addition to learning what to eat to increase muscle, you should also limit the following:

  • Alcohol: Has a negative effect on the ability to build muscle and reduce fat, especially if consumed excessively;
  • Foods high in sugar: Provides many calories but few nutrients, including candy, biscuits, donuts, ice cream and sugary drinks (soda, sports drinks);
  • Fried foods: Can promote inflammation and cause disease when consumed excessively. Examples include fried fish, chips, fried onion rings, chicken shakes and cheese sticks.

In addition, some foods can slow down digestion and cause stomach discomfort during exercise. So before going to the gym, you also need to avoid eating a lot:

  • Foods rich in fat: Fatty meats, butter and sauces or creams;
  • Foods rich in fiber: Beans and broccoli or cauliflower.
  • Carbonated beverages: Sodas.

Many protein supplements can help you get toned muscles. However, it is also advisable to combine with carbohydrates and fats to provide fuel as energy, thanks to which you can be fit enough for regular physical activity. The items on the muscle gain menu as listed above also contain many vitamins and minerals necessary for the body to develop comprehensively.

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Source: healthline.com


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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of Share99.net. I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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