Some possible complications during cesarean section

The article was consulted professionally by Specialist I Le Thi Phuong – Obstetrics and Gynecology Department – Share99 Ha Long International Health Hub.

Cesarean section is a cesarean section of the fetus, each other, the amniotic membrane through an incision in the intact end of the uterus. During cesarean section, pregnant women and fetuses may face a lot of risks at birth or post-pregnancy. Therefore, specialists recommend that cases of non-resistant can not give birth usually vaginally to give birth to a cesarean section.

1. In which case of cesarean section?

Cesarean section is a common surgery in obstetrics to remove the fetus, each other, amniotic membrane with an incision through the abdominal wall and the wall of the uterus intact.

According to the recommendations of obstetrician, not all mothers are necessarily required to have acesarean section , but only cases of non-resistant can not give birth usually vaginally, because the complications of cesarean section can leave consequences for both mother and child. Usually the following cases should have a cesarean section:

  • Pregnant women with placentastrikers : is when the placenta clings low in the uterus or obstructs the way out of the fetus (the striker placenta is one of the causes of bleeding in the last triennta of pregnancy).
  • Pregnant women with each other with combteeth: Is an abnormal or invasive adhered to part or all of each other's cakes into the muscle layer of the uterus. In the case of comb teeth, each other not only clings to the mucous layer of the uterus as usual but clings too deeply to the uterus, can adhere very firmly to the muscles of the uterus, even penetrate the whole layer of the uterus muscles, so each comb tooth does not peel naturally or only peels off partly causing post-birth blood ice. , so 60% of each other set the teeth for cesarean section.
  • Pregnant women are accompanied by each other with comb teeth: In this case, there can be aggravating consequences, contributing to an increase in obstetric accidents and medentous mortality. The proportion of comb teeth increases when the pregnant woman has a placenta, the rate of cesarean section increases with the number of previous cesarean sections.
  • The fetus is too large to pass through the mother's pelvis
  • Pregnant women with high blood pressure or some dangerous disease such as pre-maternity seizures
  • The baby's health is at stake and the doctor needs to get him out quickly
  • The fetus has an abnormal fetus such as: buttocks,horizontal ,…
  • Umbilical cord prolapse: when the umbilical cord falls forward, it prevents the baby from getting out
  • Pregnant women with va vaginal infections, which can be transmitted to the baby if the baby is out through the vagina.


Pregnant women with va vaginal infections should have a cesarean section

2. Possible complications during cesarean section

2.1. On the mother's side

During cesarean section,pregnant women may face a lot of risks right at the birth or post-pregnancy. On the part of mothers, there can be two types of accidents during cesarean section that are near-accidents and distant accidents.


  • Infection: possible incision infections ,urinary tract infections, pneumonia. Most commonly an incision infection; amniotic infections that cause peritonitis can lead to a postoperative removal of the uterus.
  • Surgical complications such as touching neighboring organs (bladder, intestines), ureteral stitches, bladder fistula – uterus/vagina.
  • Severe bleeding, Blood bandage during or after surgery due to uterine sputum; bleeding from tearing of the lower uterus.
  • Intestinal paralysis.
  • Expand the incision, hernia of the abdominal wall.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Venous embolism, thrombosis.
  • M med death: This is considered the most dangerous post-cesarean section accident. It can be caused by amniotic embolism, unstypable bleeding, or insufficient blood when the mother belongs to a rare blood type.
  • Complications caused by anesthesia – resuscitation: there may be complications due to insymity such as inhalation syndrome (in case of intt management anesthesia); hypotension,post-surgery headache (in case of spinal anesthesia), drug reactions (anaesthetic stunting).

Distant accidents:

  • Intestinal obstruction, intestinal obstruction.
  • Obstruction of the ovulation of the ovulation causes second-born infertility.
  • Endometriosis in MLT scars or abdominal wall scarring.
  • Scars on the body of the mother's uterus may crack during later pregnancies (cracking may be before labor or when labor has entered).
  • In later pregnancies, the likelihood of having to have a cesarean section increases and if a vaginal fall is born with suction or forceps to reduce the risk of cracking old surgical scars on the lower part of the uterus…

2.2. On your side

  • The baby may be affected by anesthesia.
  • Injured during surgery.
  • Inhalation of amniotic fluid, especially amniotic fluid with feces.
  • The percentage of babies born with cesarean section is at risk of severe and life-threatening respiratory failure due to intervention when the mother has not yet labored, especially for babies who receive cesarean section intervention at a gestational period that is almost full month (about 37 weeks). This is mainly due to the common pericarditis in premature babies; stagnation of alveolar fluid and gas volume in the chest of the child decreased by almost 50% compared to normal babies; pulmonary hypertension persists 5 times higher than normal vaginal infants.
  • Pertal death (within 28 days after birth) in the case of cesarean section is higher than in normal birth.
  • Cesarean section also increases the risk of the child dying at birth at the next childbirth (it is possible that the uterus scarred due to the last operation does not create conditions for each other to stick well so that the blood supply and nutrients that feed the fetus are inadequate)…

3. How long does it take for the mother's body to recover and become pregnant again?

Some possible complications during cesarean section

Recovery after cesarean section will be longer with normal births

Usually the recovery time after cesarean section will be longer with normal births, because although it is not complicated, this is still a real surgery. It usually takes 20 to 30 days for healthy maternity to actually return. Of course, to get up to puberty is much faster, within 24 hours after birth. However, the time of maternity stay in the hospital will also be longer, usually in about 5-6 days.

As for how long it will take for the mother to get pregnant again, doctors recommend waiting at least two to three years for the birth of the second child after cesarean section, and the best distance is 5 years to avoid post-cesarean complications.

But if it is due to age or just because of "missed plans" to get pregnant, the mother also needs to see a doctor as soon as possible for accurate advice on whether to retain the pregnancy and the care necessary to ensure the safety of the mother and the fetus.

4. Safe cesarean section at Share99 using modern anesthesia

Maternity cesarean section at Share99 is pain relief on the first day after surgery by lumbar square muscle anesthesia, helping mothers take care of their baby and recover better health. This is an analgesic technique performed by Share99 to help prevent pain signals before it is transmitted to the spine and to the brain, causing postoperative pain for women.

In addition to the technique of lumbar square muscle anesthesia under ultrasound instructions, in obstetrics and gynecology, Share99 also implements the technique of neurosychism to relieve perinac pain / hypothetic, helping women experience life in the most pleasant way, whether it is normal birth or cesarean section. Thanks to these measures, maternity and childbirth at Share99 are fully pain relief, quick recovery, bowel movements soon work again, exercise – walk early, do not cause chronic pain. The results of the most recent anesthrogesic effectivenesse showed that: '' All cesarean sections do not haveto use morphine,post-morges of post-movement pain and activity are almost no longer recorded ''.

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE


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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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