Proper massage helps to cure milk rays effectively

Obstruction of the milk glands occurs due to the increased level of lactose in the first days after birth, especially for mothers who give birth to their first child, inexperienced. Breast milk plays an important role in providing nutrition to the baby, causing pain, i.e. the mother's udder should be treated for circulation.

1. What is milk ray blockage?

Milk gland obstruction is a condition that usually occurs on the first days of birth or during lactation due to the fact that non-ordinary milk duct is produced but does not escape. From there, causing the mother's u minh to swell, soreness, if prolonged will cause high fever leading to dangerous complications may have to take antibiotics or procedures to treat. When a blockage of milk rays occurs, milk can accumulate and form lumps in the breast.

2. Causes of milk ray obstruction

  • Do not breastfeed early and often:Milk secreted in the first days after birth is colostrum, a lot of nutrients and high quality, so it is easy to cause milk congestion.
  • Do not milk excess colostrum after feeding. Mothers who have breastfed colostrum in the first days but are still clogged with milk are because they do not milk all the excess colostrum after breastfeeding or improper milking, resulting in still 1 amount of colostrum remaining causing milk blockage.
  • Flu, fever: Motheris tired, leading to not breastfeeding regularly, making milk difficult to circulating and causing milk blockage.
  • Bacterial infections: Bacteria that can enter the body through the head of the breast and the mammary gland system. When the milk pipeline system is contaminated, it will be narrowed, which prevents the milk from escaping.
  • Stress: Women are mentally stressed during breastfeeding or have an inappropriate nutrition … also increases the risk of blockage of milk rays (through reducing oxytocin secretation).
  • Sucking movement: Babies catch and suck their breasts not well, sucking is not strong enough to make excess milk in the breast cause milk blockage.
  • The size of the bra is too tight to cause the milk gland ducts to be suppressed causing milk blockage.

Proper massage helps to cure milk rays effectively

Bra size is too tight to cause milk gland ducts to be repressed causing milk blockage
  • Wean your baby abruptly.
  • There are scars in the breast due to surgery.

3. Manifestations of milk ray obstruction

The udder is stretched (in one or two breasts or both), which is more painful and progressively aggravated. After breastfeeding, the symptoms decrease. The mother may feel fatigue, headache and high fever. When touching the breast, feel there are round blocks of rough, hard surface with various sizes, touching very painfully. The most typical sign is that when squeezing or sucking or breastfeeding, milk from the milk is not seen.

In detail about the development of the fetus week by week, every parent should find out:

4. How does massage help cure milk rays effectively?

Breast massage in milk rays is just one of the many ways to help lose blockages. Proper breast massage is a gentle massage but must create a relatively strong force on the place where it is clogged, massage from the blockage towards the nipple.

  • Perform breast massage using 2 palms to gently massage 2 udders (about 30 seconds) and then use 5 fingers to pinch the areola.
  • The time of massage is at any time, it is possible before, during or after breastfeeding.

5. Some other methods help cure milk rays

  • Warm compresses: Helps to dissolve the clogged milk flow. It is advisable to pay attention to the temperature of the broth for applying, do not overheat to avoid skin burns. Warm water dipping towels can be applied or soaked and the entire chest in a warm bath, soaking and combining a clogged chest massage.
  • Change many breastfeeding positiones: Each feeding position will have the strongest suction on different milk rays. In case of mild milk blockage, just change the feeding position, it is possible to do the ray. While breastfeeding continues to combine gentle massage on the clogged area.

Proper massage helps to cure milk rays effectively

Multiple breastfeeding changes
  • Manual milking: Using your hands to massage the clogged milk, the lumpy milk bags inside will gradually dissolve. This method applies effectively to cases of mild milk ray clogging. Do so by pressing the udder against the chest wall with one hand or pressing each other with two hands. Squeeze and squeeze at the curd site. Gentle "pressure" in the pain level can endure, day slowly in circles, gradually increase, about 20-30 times, then do the opposite and do it repeatedly.

Treatment of post-birth milk ray obstruction is not simple, depending on the case and the degree of milk blockage, the mother has improved results or not. However, when the situation is not positive after the above methods have been applied, mothers should look to the spinal impact method to treat post-birth milk blockage without the use of drugs. With the Spinal Impact Method, the treatment technician mainly uses fingertip software that acts on the spine on the back of the patient to adjust and open the milk glands.

For cases of inflammation can have a mild effect on the part that inhibits the milk glands.

Spinal impact treatment to restore breast milksources, milk blockage, milk deficiency, milk loss is one of 17 diseases that the Spinal Impact Department at Share99 Times City is recognized for effective examination and treatment.

In order to prevent post-delivery milk blockage and help the pregnancy go smoothly and safely, the pregnant woman needs to understand: – How the labor process takes, how long it usually lasts to have a normal birth direction or cesarean
section, protecting the best health of the fetus.

  • Methods of pain relief during childbirth, limiting pain and relieve psychological pressure during labor.
  • The way to push and breathe at birth is usually the right way for the labor to take place quickly, the pregnant woman does not lose strength at birth.
  • How to control post-birth contractions in the shortest possible time.
  • How to care for a biological sewing does not cause infection and dangerous complications.
  • Early post-birth re-examination to detect dangerous abnormalities such as omissions, antlers.
  • Caring for babies until full of healthy months.

To eliminate the pain of childbirth, Share99 offers a full maternity program with a full "painless birth" service during childbirth and after birth using non-morphine sural anesthesia and neurosychism. During the birth process, the maternity will be instructed by the assistants how to properly push and breathe, the baby will be born in just 10-15 minutes. After birth, the baby will be cared for in a ileant room before being returned to his mother.

Maternity will be rested in a high-class hospital room, designed according to international hotel standards, 1 mother 1 room with full facilities and modern. Mothers will be consulted by nutritionists on how to nourish the baby before being discharged from the hospital, guiding the prevention of post-birth milk rays. Post-delivery re-examination with both mother and baby with leading obstetricians and pediatricians.

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE


  • Treatment of milk ray obstruction by physical methods
  • Prevention of post-birth milk obstruction
  • Big lumps in the breast after birth 1 month, is milk less clogged with milk rays?

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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