Notes when caring for children with respiratory inflammation at home

Because the respiratory system is not fully developed, the airways are short, breathing several times a minute, so the pathogens are easy to penetrate causing respiratory infections in children. However, with good care, most respiratory inflammatory diseases can cure themselves.

1. What is respiratory inflammation?

The respiratory tract originates from the nose or mouth to the alveoli in the lungs, which have extremely important functions that help circulation and gas exchange. The human respiratory tract is divided into the upper respiratory tract and the lower respiratory tract. In it, the upper respiratory tract consists of the nose, mouth, sinuses, throat, urynx, administration. The lower respiratory tract consists of bronchial and pulmonary duc ducs.

Inflammation, which causes damage in any part of the respiratory tract, is called respiratory inflammation. The cause of respiratory inflammation can be viral (common viruses such as influenza virus, Adenovirus, para influenzae virus, Rhinovirus,…), bacteria such as group A hemolytic sjuncoccal, pneumococcal, sphococcal,… or some kind of fungus. Respiratory inflammation are very common diseases, which can occur in anyone, especially children. Because the child's respiratory system is not fully developed, the airways are short, breathing several times a minute, so the virus that causes the disease is easy to penetrate. In addition, due to weak resistance, children are very susceptible to attack by pathogens.

Upper respiratory tract

Upper respiratory tract parts

2. What are the symptoms of respiratory infections in children?

Depending on the child with upper or lower respiratory tract inflammation, each type of pathology and the degree of the disease will have different manifestations. Common signs are fever, if there is inflammation of the respiratory tract on the child often high fever, can be up to 39-40 degrees Celsius, fever into each attack. Along with fever are runny nose, runny nose, headache, tearing, conjunctivitis,red eyes, abdominal pain, vomiting,,… Children are anorexic, tired.

Cough is also a symptom that appears in most respiratory inflammatory diseases. Your child may cough into a bout, dry cough, or a cough with phlegm.

As the disease of respiratory tract inflammation becomes more severe, the child will have abnormal breathing signs such as rapid breathing, chest recesses, shortness of breath, strange sounds when breathing. Called rapid breathing when:

  • young <2 tháng tuổi: Thở từ 60 nhịp/phút trở lên
  • Children 2-12 months old: Breathe 50 beats/min or more
  • Children from 12 months to under 5 years: Breathe 40 beats/minute or more

Note to count the breathing correctly, parents must count the breathing rate in the condition that the child lies still, does not fuss.

Chest recesses are phenomena when the child inhales, the lower part of the chest will be concave instead of hatching as usual. The child should be taken to the nearest medical facility for emergency care when the child has one of the following signs:

  • Child convulsions,cyanosis, separation or difficulty awakening
  • The child cannot drink, sucks poorly, vomits several times
  • Children have abnormal breathing, chest concaveness, shortness of breath
  • Severely malnourished children

Prevention and treatment of high fever of seizures in children

Children may have a high fever of 39-40 degrees Celsius with respiratory inflammation

3. Notes when caring for children with respiratory inflammation at home

When there are symptoms of respiratory infections in children,parents should take the child to see a doctor to be assessed the level of the disease. If the disease is mild and average, parents will be instructed to take care of the child at home. Most acute respiratory inflammatory diseases can be cured on their own if well taken care of.

To help children reduce fever, parents need to let them wear cool clothes, drink plenty of water. When the child's temperature rises above 38.5 degrees Celsius, give the child antipyretics at the dosage of the doctor's instructions, perform a fever-lowering wipe for the child. The effective way to cool is: use a towel with good water permeability dipped in warm water such as daily baby bath water, squeezed dry. Use wipes in positions such as armpits, inguinal, and a towel on your face. It is not recommended to apply a towel on the forehead because it is less effective against fever. After 2-3 minutes change the towel once, add hot water if the wipes are no longer warm.

Clean your nose to help your child clear their airways by using small physiological saline on either side of the nose to dilute nasal juices, then clean their nose swabs or use tools to suck their noses.

If a cough causes a lot of fuss, discomfort or vomiting, it is possible to give the child homemade safe cough medicines such as sugar blockage, honey steamed ginger, leaf thick frequency,… or ready-made herbal cough medicines suitable for a child's safe youth.

Patting your child on the back when he has a cough with phlegm helps him to produce sputum effectively. Pat by clapping your hand, holding your thumb pressed against your index finger, patting your left back and then to the right, each side for 3-5 minutes. It is recommended to pat before eating or at least an hour after eating so as not to vomit the child.

Instructions for patting your baby's belching back after suckling

Patting your child on the back helps them get phlegmatic out

During the child's illness, it is necessary to strengthen the nutrition so that the child increases his resistance, quickly recovers health:

For breastfeeding babies, breastfeeding on demand, breastfeeding more times than usual. For older children, prepare them with soft, easy-to-swallow food, feeding them several meals a day. Strengthen greens, fruits, give children plenty of filtered water, juice.

4. Prevention of respiratory infections in children

To prevent respiratory infections in children, itis necessary to get the child fully vaccinated under the national immunization program to create active immunity. Keep the living environment around the child always clean, airy, good air circulation. Pay attention to keep your child warm when the weather becomes cold. If using air conditioners, pay attention not to let the temperature too different from the outside temperature. Avoid exposure to tobacco smoke, wear a mask on the street to avoid exposure to smog and polluted air. People with respiratory illnesses should limit contact to avoid infecting the child. Parents must wash their hands thoroughly with soap before caring for the child.

handwashing 2

Child caregivers need clean hands

The pediatrics department at Share99 International Health Hub is the address to receive and examine the diseases that babies as well as young children are susceptible to: respiratory infections, viral fever, bacterial fever, otitis media, pneumonia in children,…. With modern equipment, ile space, minimize the impact as well as the risk of spreading the disease. Along with that is the dedication from experienced doctors to pediatric patients, making the examination no longer a concern of parents.

To register your child for a visit at Share99 International Health Hub, customers can contact Share99 Health System nationwide or register online HERE.

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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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