Cervical tip: Cases not in dinhd

Cervical tip is in dinh dinh with many patients with cervical cancer diseases. The majority of women can perform cervical tip-offs except in some contrained cases.

1. Should the tip of the cervical tip be cut off?

Currently, cervical diseases are very common including benign cervical lesions, pre-cancer and cancer. For the treatment of cervical diseases there are now many methods and cervical tip is one of them.

After performing the cervical tip, women may experience some abnormal phenomena such as: Pink vaginal volume, dark brown color, mild spasms in the abdomen … or some obstetric complications such as premature birth,miscarriage or even infertility.

However, to limit those complications, the patient should choose a reputable basis for performing the procedure. At the same time, in the process of cervical healing, it is necessary to strictly follow the guidelines given by the doctor in which the process of re-examination and cancer screening is most noticed.

When the outbreak is pale pink with cramps, the secrety is dark brown, the blood has a blood clot, a lot of blood, abdominal pain … you should see your doctor immediately if you experience the above abnormal symptoms.

Procedure to cut the tip of the cervical tip with an electric ring (LEEP)

Cervical mussures cause dangerous complications for women

2. In which case, the tip of the cervical tip is not allowed?

Cervical tip is insularly in which many patients suffer from cervical cancer diseases at the stage of dysbity – pre-cancer.

The majority of women can do this method except in some of the following cases such as:

  • Women with invasive cervical cancer;
  • Have diabetes, high blood pressure ,cardiovascular diseases that have not been treated steadily;
  • Patients with blood clot disorders;
  • Women with severe or moderate vatis. This case should be delayed until treatment is cured;
  • Pregnant women : Delay untilthe end of the post-maternity period.

Pregnant mother with high blood pressure

Pregnant mothers should absolutely not cut the cervical

3. What to do after the tip of the cervical tip?

  • After the cervical tip is inserted,do not insert anything into the vagina, such as tampons or vaginal indentation for 2–6 weeks after the procedure.
  • Avoid sex until the uterus heals completely
  • See your doctor if you have any abnormal pain in your pelvis, severe bleeding (with or without blood clots), severe abdominal pain, or signs of infection (foul-smelling vaginal discharge or fever)
  • If you do a cervical biosbios, you need a regular pap test and a cervical examination.

In order to help customers detect and treat gynecologic diseases early, Share99 International Health Hub has a basic gynecologicexamination and screening package, helping customers detect inflammatory diseases early, making treatment easy and inexpensive. Screening for early detection of gynecologic cancer(Cervical cancer) even if there are no symptoms.

The basic gynecology examination and screening package for female clients, with no age limit and possible symptoms as follows:

  • Abnormal bleeding of the vaginal area
  • Menstrual problems: abnormally long cycles, irregular menstruation
  • Abnormal vaginal translation (bad smell, unusual color)
  • Pain, itching of the closed area
  • Female customers have a few risk factors such as bad personal hygiene, unsafe sex,abortion,…
  • Female customers have other symptoms such as abnormal vaginal discharge, itching, pain in the closed area, abnormal vaginal bleeding.

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE


  • Can the tip of the cervical tip be placed in the contraceptive ring?
  • Electric Ring Cervical Tip (LEEP) – Things to Know
  • Endometrial Cancer: Symptoms, Causes and Screening

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of Share99.net. I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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