Throat dyschehythmous syndrome: Things to know

Throat dyscheitis is a symptom that makes it difficult for the person to swallow such as having objects crossing the throat, especially when swallowing can not inhale the air into the lungs causing the patient to spit continuously. The disease is caused by many causes and is often misdiagnosed with other ear and nasopharyngeal diseases.

1. What is pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis (or pharyngitis) is defined as a syndrome caused by many different conditions, easily misdiagnosed with bone disease or diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis … Because it is difficult to be diagnosed correctly, the treatment is also difficult, the prolonged disease makes the patient even more anxious.

Throat dyscheom makes the person feel subjective like having a foreign object stuck in the throat area (feeling of osteoporosis) or having a papillary tumor that develops that causes compression of the throat area (obsessively afraid of cancer). However, this subjective sensation appears only when swallowing saliva, on the contrary when eating is completely normal, without entanglement or choking in the throat.

Pharyngeal dysfunction

Pharyngeal dyscheitis is difficult to diagnose correctly

2. Causes of pharyngeal dysfunction

The most common causes of this syndrome are gastric dysfunction (such as peptic ulcer disease), chronic sinusitis, meningausal endal disorders or due to psychological changes (stress).

Less common causes such as anoperative abnormalities that cause long brooches, bronchial abnormalities, spasmodic throat ring muscles, thyroid minority, peddial arthritis, neuropathic inflammation NO.IX, and paranoia.

Therefore, pharyngeal dysfunction has many causes but the most important cause is still gastric diseases. When the patient has pain in the throat, the doctor will examine carefully for an accurate diagnosis of the cause of the disease.

3. What subjects is throat dysche disorder common?

Pharyngeal dysfunction is common in women aged 40–50 years, which is pre-menopical or in men who smoke and drink alcohol. Patients with a history of gastric disease are also subject to dyscheitis.

Pharyngeal dysfunction

Pharyngeal dysfunction is common in women aged 40 – 50 years

4. Symptoms of pharyngeal dysfunction

Symptoms of dyscheitis often cause the patient to feel entangled in the throat, sore throat, sometimes with pain in the corners of the jaw, pain in front of the neck, pain on both sides of the neck. This is only a subjective feeling when swallowing water, while when swallowing food (rice, cake, fruit …) or drinking water again normally, it does not hurt. In addition, people with throat disorders also have other signs such as itchy throat, neck pain, numbness of the nape of the neck, belching, abdominal bloating, poor appetite, depression or feeling chest pain …

5. How to diagnose pharyngeal dyscheitis?

For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor needs to examine and ask for the disease thoroughly, the purpose of which is to exclude diseases of the ear, nose and throat or stomach before the diagnosis of dyscheitis.

5.1. Examination of the Ear Nose and Throat

  • Oral and throat examination: The doctor observes the mouth area of the throat, combining the use of ordinary instruments or endoscopy to see the mouth and throat normally. This only supports the diagnosis of other conditions such as purulent tonsillitis, small bone fractures in the throat or tonsils, pharyngitis with neoplasm particles in the back of the throat.
  • Sinus rhinoplasty: If the patient has a sore throat, snorts or coughs a lot to put mucus in the nose and throat into the mouth and then spit out, the doctor will think a lot about sinus nasal pathology. At that time, the doctor prescribes a regular balloon rhinoplasty and a nasal endoscopy for mucus, pus, polyps in the nasal openings, in the openings of the sinuses.
  • Gastroscopy – ovary: Endoscopy of the ovary with a rigid otoscope (40cm long) to see the normal ovary, in most patients but a few have conjuncticosal region of the stomach. Gastroscopy shows inflammation of the mucous membranes or gastric ulcers. HP tests are sometimes positive.

5.2. Ask for a history of the disease

Asking for a history helps your doctor think about the causes of the disease outside of the Ear Nose and Throat. Specifically:

  • Stomach dysfunction: Many patients have been diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease through endoscopy before. The cause of dysenterous throat syndrome is the amount of acid taste secreted more than usual or the reflux of the taste through the center of the mind to the estuary makes the patient feel entangled, sore in the throat, eat indysible. In addition, dyscheom is also considered a mild disease of gastroesophageal reflux syndrome.
  • Hormonal disorders in meningausal women: Women of menopause or pre-menopause often change their tempers such as irritability, irritability accompanied by strange sensations such as hot face, backbone chills and throat entanglements. If this subject is accompanied by a history of gastric pathology, throat dysolytic syndrome is very likely to occur, causing them to complain of throat congestion, shortness of breath.
  • Psychological stress ( stress): Changes in psychology too strong such as mourning, love, bankruptcy … can also contract the muscles of the pharynx for a short time causing stiff throat and not swallowing. If the depression persists, the patient may fall into a depressive state, not wanting to eat, the patient has a feeling of entanglement although the throat and estuary are normal.

6. Treatment of dyscheitis

Pharyngeal dysfunction

The diagnosis of the cause of pharyngitis determines the success of the treatment of dysmanic throat syndrome

The treatment of the cause is the decisive factor in the success of the treatment of dyscheitis. A comprehensive examination combined with a history of the disease helps to determine the obvious cause. If the cause of throat dysfunction is chronic tonsillitis, long brooch … surgical treatment eliminates the causes that help patients get rid of the disease.

If the cause has not been found, the medical treatments include anti-inflammatory drugs, edema in combination with analgesic drugs, sedation, and female hormones supplements in meningausal women … will be considered.

Besides, psychological causes also play an important role in the formation of the disease. Therefore, psycho-therapy is considered to apply in subjects with dyschehythmic syndrome which is caused by excessive psychological tremors.

To ensure health, when experiencing symptoms of dysenterous throat syndrome, you should go to the ENT specialist at the treatment facilities to be diagnosed by doctors, and at the same time perform a subclinical examination, thereby giving the most effective treatment direction.

Share99 International Health Hub is an international standard treatment address with modern facilities, a team of qualified and experienced doctors, performing many difficult surgeries, including digestive diseases and ear and throat diseases. Especially to improve the quality of service, Share99 also deploys many products and packages of medical services, bringing the optimal convenience and treatment results for patients.

Customers can directly go to Share99 Health System nationwide for examination or contact the hotline here for assistance.


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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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