Visuals: How does protein affect the body?

Proteins (proteins) are essential nutrients of the human body as well as animals. The structure and function of proteins help to create the biological body and are an important source of energy for life activities.

1. Structure and function of proteins

1.1. What is protein?

Proteins are one of the complex groups of molecules, which are an important component of every cell and are responsible for performing all functions in the body. The body uses proteins to build and repair tissues, as well as to produce enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals. Protein produces hair, nails, bones and muscles, while providing tissues and muscles to stay in shape, as well as functioning according to function. In short, protein is one of the basic building blocks that contribute to human creation.

1.2. Functions of proteins in the body

  • Emergency power sources

When there is a shortage of energy, the body will prioritize taking reserves from carbohydrates and fats, while proteins rank only third. But when you are short of calories, or if you are a professional athlete, then the structure and function of proteins will help to overcome the normal energy limit to continue working.


Protein molecular simulation images
  • Muscle building

The body needs protein to meet the size and build the shape of the muscles. When you lose weight, protein helps you not lose a lot of muscle at the same time. For people who regularly lift weights to strengthen, protein is the key to forming more muscles.

  • Help strong bones

Studies show that adding the right protein in the diet will help improve bone health. The structure and function of proteins reduces the risk of osteoporosis (bone loss) by keeping bone density stable, while preventing fractures in old age.

  • Strengthen the immune system

Proteins are made from amino acids – compounds that play a role in helping T cells, B cells and antibodies in the immune system detect and destroy harmful foreign components, entering the body, thereby preventing the risk of infection.

  • Cut appetite

Appetite is different from a real need to eat, cravings come from the brain and not from the stomach. Clinical research suggests that adding protein to the menu can help curb cravings, even cravings that are common late at night. Experts say a protein-rich diet increases satiety and reduces feelings of hunger compared to high-fat or high-carbohydrate diets.


Proteins help reduce no-night cravings
  • Fat burning, weight loss

High enough protein levels on the menu will increase metabolism (the speed with which the body uses calories). Proteins are also easily converted into glucose by the body for energy, while converting carbohydrates or fats into glucose requires you to move twice as much. This means you'll burn more calories – even at rest, if you follow a diet rich in protein, low in carbs and fat. On average, eating a lot of protein for 6 months helps you lose about 2kg more than other diets. However, after the above time they begin to lose their effectiveness, so people should not maintain this diet menu for a long time.

  • Cardiovascular support

Studies of proteins, namely proteins from plants, show that this type of substance has the ability to lower blood pressure. Proteins can also reduce LDL levels,also known as bad cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. However, animal foods high in protein are also high in saturated fats, which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some types of cancer. Therefore, it is advising to consider choosing proteins from healthy food sources.

  • Wound healing

Proteins aid in faster wound healing by reducing inflammation and creating new tissue at the site of the lesion. This is also one of the reasons that proteins are called the basic building blocks of the body, which are components that are always present in tissues and bodies.

  • Transport of nutrients

Assuming the flow of blood in the body is a river, then the protein is a cargo ship (consisting of vitamins, minerals, sugar, cholesterol and oxygen), transported into cells and tissues to function properly. Proteins even serve to store certain nutrients, such as iron, to be ready for supply when the body needs it.


Proteins as a bridge to help cells absorb nutrients

2. Protein supplements in the diet

Nutritionists recommend protein supplements from the following sources:

  • Fish: Provides good omega-3 fatty acids for the heart and less fat than meat;
  • Poultry: You can get rid of most saturated fats if you do not eat the skin part;
  • Beans: Contains the most vegetable proteins, and there is more fiber to help you feel full for hours;
  • Nuts: 28g of almonds gives you 6g of protein, almost equal to the amount of protein found in 28g of grilled rib steak;
  • Whole grains: A slice of wholemeal bread provides you with 3g of protein, accompanied by fiber with a lot of nutritional value.

Proteins take many different forms. You should prioritize access to foods rich in healthy, low-fat proteins, while staying away from saturated and processed (canned) foods. It is advis recommended to consume protein evenly throughout the day instead of cramming too much into a meal. Also do not forget to add fruits and vegetables to get more vitamins and minerals , fiber.

3. Limitations of a protein-rich diet

Many people who eat low-carb think that it is possible to consume as much protein as they like to lose weight. But nutritionists advise caution because when eating a lot of protein but less carbohydrates, the body's metabolism will turn to a state called ketosis, which causes the release of ketones into the bloodstream for energy. Ketosis, which also occurs in diabetes, tends to suppress appetite, causing people to eat less, while increasing the discharge of fluids through the urine, leading to dehydration.

What is the body like when dehydration or excess water?

Eating protein-rich foods can cause the body to lose water

This diet can trade short-term benefits (weight loss) for long-term health consequences. One of the risks is high levels of ammonia in the body to decompose proteins. In addition, there is evidence that a protein-rich diet often excretes excess calcium in the urine, leading to osteoporosis.

The American Heart Association warns that if only focusing on protein sources and ignoring carbs, dieters may receive too much salt and insufficient calcium, potassium or magnesium of all kinds in fruits, vegetables and cereals. It is also the best source of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, helping to prevent diseases.

A protein-rich diet brings many benefits, but if consumed excessively will harm your health. The risks can be mentioned as a higher risk of cancer, increased cholesterol, kidney stones,weight gain and constipation. However, most of these potential side effects depend on the proteins you receive, as well as your overall diet. So consult your doctor or dietitian on how to replenish proteins tailored to your individual needs.

In order to improve the quality of examination and treatment services, Share99 International Health Hub has put a system of standard modern equipment facilities into operation of medical examination and treatment procedures. Especially at Share99, there is always a team of doctors who are willing to listen, advise and treat diseases as well as advise on nutrition, good food for children, adults and the elderly.

Customers can directly go to Share99 Health System nationwide for examination or contact the hotline here for assistance.,


  • 9 important functions of protein for the body
  • The risk of eating too much protein
  • Calories in bananas

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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