Reduce symptoms of dizziness during pregnancy

Dizziness is a very common symptom during pregnancy. Dizziness can make you feel the room is reeling, walking un balance. Dizziness accompanied by nausea makes the days of pregnancy extremely severe. Understanding the possible reasons for dizziness during pregnancy will help you better manage this symptom.

1. Causes of dizziness during pregnancy in the first 3 months

1.1. Hormone changes and hypotension

As soon as you start getting pregnant, the hormone levels in the mother's body change to help increase blood flow in the body. This is intended to help the baby grow in the uterus.

At this time, increased blood flow, switching to fetal focus, cake and umbilical cord can cause your blood pressure to change. Accordingly, your blood pressure will decrease during pregnancy, also known as hypotension or low blood pressure. This condition can make you feel dizzy, constructive, stunned, especially when switching from lying down to sitting or sitting to standing.

Your doctor will check your blood pressure at pregnancy appointments. In general, low blood pressure is not a cause for concern or adverse effects on pregnancy. Blood pressure will tend to move gradually to normal levels after pregnancy.

1.2. Vomiting

Dizziness can be a consequence if you nausea and vomit violently during the beginning of pregnancy. This usually happens very early, which is considered one of the signs of pregnancy due to the change in the concentration of hormones in your body.

In addition, if you vomit too much and can not eat or drink anything, the body is dehydration and electrolyses can make dizziness even worse. However, the majority of women will go into remission when they enter the second trimepcle.

1.3. Extra-intra-uterus pregnancy

Dizziness can be a manifestation of an extra-intra-uterus pregnancy. This is the condition when the egg is fertilized and nested in a different location instead of the uterus chamber. In most cases, the site of an extra-intra-uterus usually nesting is the ovulation tube.

If this condition actually occurs, you may have dizziness accompanied by abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. Dizziness will be more intense if the external fetal mass breaks off, the maternity loses a lot of blood. This is a gynecological emergency and requires urgent surgical intervention.

Nausea is a sign of stomach pain.

Dizziness can be a consequence if the pregnant woman has severe nausea and vomiting during the beginning of pregnancy

2. Causes of dizziness during pregnancy of 3 months between

The reasons why you have dizziness in the first trime trime months can still extend to the second trimep, such as low blood pressure. In addition, the cause of dizziness may also begin to arise when the fetus is gradually progressing.

2.1. Pressure of the uterus

You may experience dizziness if pressure from the uterus contains a growing fetus that overwhelms the blood vessels. This condition begins to occur from the second or third trimepcle and more as the baby grows older.

At this point, even lying on your back can make you dizzy. Because the lower aortic vein that returns blood to the heart is pinched. The cardiac output will decrease, blood to the brain is limited and you have dizziness or even build up, eyes if you try to sit up, walk.

2.2. Gestational diabetes

Sometimes the symptom of dizziness is a sign of gestational diabetes when your blood sugar level rises too high, causing the cells to live in a preferred environment, severely dehydration.

For diabetes screening, your doctor will ask you to test your blood sugar for hunger during pregnancy visits between weeks 24 and 28 of your pregnancy. If you are diagnosed with this disease, you will need to monitor your blood sugar levels regularly and adhere to a more standard exercise and abstinence plan.

2.3. Hypoth glucose

In contrast to the a above-mentioned gestational diabetes, hypotensive due to low blood sugar also causes dizziness simultaneously with other symptoms such as sweating, tremors and headaches.

Due to the rapidly growing fetus, the need for energy is enormous. To enhance, you add snacks of the day such as a piece of fruit, a glass of milk, a piece of pastry or grains…. interspersed with main meals.

Gestational diabetes and amniotic residue

Sometimes dizziness symptoms are a sign of gestational diabetes when blood sugar levels rise too high

3. Causes of dizziness during pregnancy of 3 months between

Compared to the causes of dizziness in the first and second trimemen, dizziness in the third trimepary may remain similar. However, during this period, any abnormal manifestations should not be subjective. You should see your doctor more often to monitor for potentially dangerous conditions that can cause dizziness.

The most important thing is to walk carefully, avoid falling, absolutely do not wear high heels. When standing or sitting up, you need to slowly and seek support to avoid dizziness, spreading construction, easy to fall.

In detail about the development of the fetus week by week, every parent should find out:

4. Causes of dizziness throughout pregnancy

There are several causes that can cause full-time dizziness during pregnancy that are not associated with a particular trimeenn.

4.1. anemia

Due to the increased blood demand to nourish the fetus, the mother may experience a decrease in the number as well as the quality of redblood cells , which causes anemia in the pregnant woman. This is even more likely to happen when your diet is inadequately nutritious, there is not enough iron and folic acid in the body.

In addition to feeling dizzy, anemia also causes women to feel constant fatigue, paleness, shortness of breath, heart beating. If the anemia is too severe, the development of the fetus will be affected.

4.2. Lack of water

The demand for water is great throughout pregnancy, especially during the first tri month if you are sick, nausea or constant vomiting. This is what causes you to experience dehydration and also electrolymical disorders.

To the following trimens, due to the large fetal size, which is easy to pinch into the lower veins, the volume of the recirculacy is very susceptible to further influence if you drink insufficient water. Blood watering the muscles, especially the insufficient brain will cause you to suffer from dizziness.

pregnant woman drinking water

Huge water demand throughout pregnancy

5. How to reduce dizziness during pregnancy?

  • Limit long standing position for long periods of time. Sit more when you can;
  • Don't sit or lie down for too long. It is necessary to move and walk gently to enhance blood flow;
  • When sitting up or standing up need to slowly, slowly. Avoid sitting, getting up suddenly;
  • Avoid lying on your back during the second and third trimeads;
  • An energy-rich diet to avoid lowering blood sugar levels. At the same time also limit fats, powdered sugars, sweet foods too much to prevent diabetes mellitus in pregnancy;
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, especially when vomiting;
  • Wear breathable, comfortable clothes. Avoid restrictive, over-pressed outfits.

If dizziness occurs continuously for several days during pregnancy and there is no tendency to remission, do not take the drug without a doctor's prescription. Not only that, if dizziness occurs suddenly or with severity in the first place or dizziness is accompanied by other symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, chest pain, headache, blurred vision, heart beating, shortness of breath, fainting … it is advisable to take the maternity to the hospital as soon as possible for timely intervention.

The first 3 months are the most sensitive time during pregnancy. In order for the mother and baby to be healthy, reduce the symptoms of singularity, parents should note:

  • Understand early signs of pregnancy, pregnancy poisoning, bleeding during pregnancy.
  • The first pregnancy examination is timely, correct and sufficient, avoiding the examination too early / too late.
  • Screening for fetal malformations at the 12th week detects dangerous fetal malformations that can intervene early.
  • Distinguishes the usual vaginal bleeding and pathology vaginal bleeding for timely pregnancy retention intervention.
  • Screening for thyroid disease in the first 3 months of pregnancy avoids dangerous risks before and during childbirth.

Share99 currently has many maternity packages (12-27-36 weeks), of which the 12-week package maternity program helps monitor the health of mothers and babies at the beginning of pregnancy, early detection and timely intervention of health problems. In addition to the usual services, the 12-week maternity monitoring program has special services that other maternity packages do not have such as: Double Test or Triple Test for Fetal Malformations; dosing tests of neovascular factors for pre-seizure diagnosis; thyroid screening tests; Rubella test; testing for parasites transmitted from mother to child seriously affects the brain and physical development of the baby after birth.

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE

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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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