Relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy

Pelvic pain is a common symptom in women during pregnancy. Although not harmful to the fetus, it causes many pregnant women pain and discomfort, affecting daily life.

1. Causes of pelvic pain during pregnancy

Pelvic pain during pregnancy is pain in the front or back of the pelvis and may spread to the surrounding area such as the hips, thighs,…
During pregnancy, the body produces a hormone called relaxin, which causes the pelvic ligaments to soften and dilate, causing the joints in the pelvis to destabilize, moving unevenly.

In addition, the fetus grows in the uterus, along with a change in the standing position, which increases the pressure on the pelvis, causing pelvic pain during pregnancy.

Other causes:

  • Due to weight gain during pregnancy, weight gain increases the burden on the joints causing pelvic pain.
  • Have a high body mass index (BMI), overweight/obesity before pregnancy.
  • It is possible that due to a deficiency of vitamin D and calcium, when the mother lacks calcium to meet the needs of calcium for the fetus, the body will take calcium from the bones to provide the baby with pelvic pain.

Calcium in food

Lack of calcium during pregnancy can be the cause of pelvic pain during pregnancy

2. How does pelvic pain manifest during pregnancy?

Symptoms of pelvic pain can appear very early, from the first 3 months of pregnancy, the later the pregnancy, the more the level of pain usually increases.

  • Painful position: Pain in the joints of the same pelvis, pubic joints, hip area spreading down the thighs, often accompanied by back pain.
  • The pain is usually constant, smoldering, increases with a sudden change of position, when walking, going up and down the stairs and rising at night can wake the pregnant woman.
  • The degree of pain depends on each case, from discomfort when walking to complete loss of muscles that prevents the patient from walking or hinders the patient in performing cho work, walking, sexual activity, work.
  • Pregnant mothers need to pay attention to distinguish between pelvic pain and paincaused by uterus spasms , pain caused by spasms often painful in each attack, the abdominal area feels stiff, in addition, if due to the threat of miscarriage or miscarriage will be accompanied by abnormalities in the vagina.

3. How to relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy

Many pregnant mothers think that pelvic pain during pregnancy is an unpleasant manifestation that any pregnant woman will experience during pregnancy, but in fact, this condition can be remission if mothers apply the following simple ways of reducing pelvic pain during pregnancy. :

Pregnant woman doing yoga

Regularly practice gentle, suitable exercises such as walking, yoga to help relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy
  • Regularly practice gentle, suitable exercises such as walking, yoga,swimming. Note that over-exercising is not recommended.
  • During pregnancy it is not recommended to walk too much, it is advisable to walk gently only to help stretch the abdominal muscles and back muscles, supporting the later childbirth to take place smoothly.
  • Spend more time resting than usual. The rest will help the pelvic area and ligaments to relax, thereby effectively reducing pain.
  • Changing the position regularly, so sleeping in a comfortable position can use a dedicated pillow to help the pregnant mother more comfortable, limit lying on her back a lot.
  • It is not recommended to wear high heels and attention should be paid to the sitting position. Do not squat and should not stand much will put pressure on the pelvis.
  • In addition, it is not recommended to carry, lift heavy objects, need kidneys when going up and down the stairs and avoid sudden changes in the position.
  • Use extra pillows when lying down to create a sense of comfort.
  • During pregnancy it is necessary to pay attention to nutrition such as: Eat adequate substances, especially calcium supplements in daily meals, especially the last 3 months of pregnancy.

In addition, when applying the above measures ineffective pregnant mothers should go to medical facilities for medical examination and treatment with drugs, physical therapy.

  • Heat therapy using infrared lamps, warm compresses help soften muscles to relieve pain.
  • Gentle massage of the pelvis regularly is an effective analgesic.
  • In case of severe pain, pregnant mothers can take painkillers of the type used for pregnant women such as paracetamol. However, it is not recommended to abuse the use of painkillers, which affect the fetus.

Pelvic pain during pregnancy causes fatigue and affects the daily life of the pregnant mother, but pelvic pain during pregnancy is completely treatable to help you have a healthier and happier pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant mothers should be treated early, the results of treatment are higher.

Share99 International Health Hub offers a full maternity care program for women from the very beginning of pregnancy from the first months with a full range of pregnancy examinations, 3D ultrasounds, 4D routines and routine tests to ensure the mother is always healthy and the fetus develops comprehensively.

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE


  • Secondary pelvic pain caused by gynecology
  • Pubic bone pain during pregnancy: Causes and remedies
  • Chronic pelvic pain in females

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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