Insymed anesthesia surgical removal of intestinal cage

The article is consulted professionally by Specialist I Dang The Thanh – Anesthesiist – General Department – Share99 Nha Trang International Health Hub. The doctor has more than 12 years of experience in the field of Resuscitation Anesthesia.

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Intestinal cage is an emergency that requires a medical emergency, which is often common in children. In particular, intestinal cage removal surgery is a common procedure to treat this condition if the method of removing the cage with vapor fails. How is this procedure performed and does the anaesthetic process to remove the intestinal cage cause discomfort to children?

1. Learn about intestinal cages

Intestinal cage occurs commonly in children, which is the phenomenon of an abnormal intestinal passage entering the lap of the next intestinal passage. The causes of intestinal cage disease often come from an imbalance between the size, pressure of the ileum and the ileum valve, or by inflammation of the intestinal mesenteritis, respiratory tract inflammation that causes a lot of cough …

Signs to recognize intestinal cage status in a child are:

  • Suffering from bouts of abdominal pain, for young children, these pains will cause severe cries and often appear suddenly.
  • Babies twist and stop playing, breastfeed… when it hurts.
  • At an early stage, the child will vomit food. Later, children can vomit green/yellow epidemics… depending on the degree of intestinal cage; along with that is the child going out of blood.

If the parents detect it early and take the baby to the hospital early, doctors can perform an emergency by removing the cage with steam. However, if the child arrives at the hospital late or the procedure to remove the cage with vapor is unsuccessful, depending on the situation of the baby, the doctor may recommend a bowel cage removal surgery.

umbilical cyst fistula surgery

Depending on the situation, the doctor may prescribe a surgical removal of the intestinal cage

2. What is intestinal cage removal surgery?

In most cases, doctors will try to remove the obstructions in the intestinal passage by inflating the gastrointestinal tract. This is called the method of removing the intestinal cage with vapor. However, this solution is not always successful.

At this time, surgery to remove the intestinal cage will be carried out. Doctors will surgically remove or remove the caged intestine, then use antibiotics to treat the infection.

If doctors recommend surgery, parents should not reject this suggestion. It is necessary to know that intestinal cage in the child if not treated will lead to necrosis of the intestinal passage causing blood infections, which are life-threatening.

3. Procedure for removal of intestinal cage

The surgery has been in place since 1871 and has been proven to effectively treat intestinal cages. To ensure high safety and efficiency, a standard procedure is required.

  • Anesthesia: the anesthesia technique applied to the procedure of removing the intestinal cage is in-administration anesthesia.
  • Surgical line: white line area in the lower middle and on the navel.
  • Proceed to remove the intestinal cage.
  • Cut the appendix and fix the ileum to the ileum, which enters the right abdominal wall.

In-administration anesthesia for children

Apply in-administration anesthesia to remove the intestinal cage

When performing this surgery it is necessary to pay attention to:

  • If the cage intestine is necrotic, the doctor needs to remove the intestine immediately or not depending on the condition of the abdomen and intestines.
  • When the abdomen does not have peritonitis and the intestinal mucosa works well, it is necessary to immediately connect the intestines.
  • In case the abdomen has peritonitis, it is necessary to conduct 2 intestinal heads to the outside.

4. How is the technique of in-administration anesthesia before removing the intestinal cage?

Since the subject is mostly children, the anesthesia before the operation to remove the intestinal cage needs to be carried out carefully with the consent of the family and the cooperation of the child.

In-administration anesthesia for children should be carried out in full following these steps.

4.1. Prepare

On the human side, the hospital needs to have a full range of doctors and nurses specializing in Anesthesiesthesia and Resuscitation, and be trained and trained in resuscitation anesthesia in pediatric surgery.

On the patient's side:

  • Should be examined before anesthesia and surgery to prevent risks and risks of complications after surgery.
  • Patients must be persuaded to cooperate with doctors and nurses during anesthesia.
  • If necessary, the patient may use sedatives before entering the operating room.

4.2. General conduct

In most cases, in-administration anesthesia is selected, some of the following steps should be taken before the onscoring, including:

  • The patient is in a position to lie on his back and breathe Oxygen 100% for about 3-5 minutes before the onsmetic process.
  • Install the machine and set up the transmission lines.
  • If necessary, it is possible to process the anaesthetic money.
  • Assess the risk of vomiting, reflux, spasms of the bronchial bar, difficult int management.

oxygen breathing

Give your baby oxygen before starting anesthesia

4.3. Infatuated

  • Sleeping pills: Intravenous anesthesies such as propofol, etomidate, ketamin …, or vaporizing anesthesies such as sevofluran.
  • Analgesgesy: the most common is morphine, in addition to fentanyl or sufentanil …
  • Some patients need to use muscle relaxes…
  • Check the condition of the patient's ins tradular tube: must sleep deeply and have sufficient muscle dilation.
  • In-administration tubeing: there are usually 2 main techniques: oral or nasal.

4.4. Maintaining fascination

During the operation, doctors will maintain anesthesia with intravenous anesthesies, vaporizing anesthesies, analgesics as well as muscle relaxes as needed. In addition, respiration will also be controlled by machines or hand squeezes …

In general, intestinal cage removal surgery is a basic procedure in the treatment of intestinal cage in a child, usually the last solution when previous treatments are not effective. In particular, the process of in-administration anesthesia before surgery must be carried out carefully and adequately so that the pediatric patient can undergo the surgery in the smoothest way.

Currently, the cause of intestinal cage in the child has not been found, so there are no specific preventive measures. It is best for parents to recognize abnormal signs in the child for early detection of the intestinal cage, avoiding dangerous complications caused by the disease. Accordingly, when the child shows signs of abdominal pain, manifested by sudden, intense crying, humanity, breastfeeding, twisting, stop playing,… parents should immediately take the child to the doctor. Doctors will examine and diagnose subclinically to make a definitive diagnosis and take timely interventions for the child.

For direct advice, please click the HOTLINE number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE


  • Intestinal cage in a child: Timely emergency is required
  • Inflatable removal cage treatment of children's intestinal cages
  • Laparoscopic surgery to remove the intestinal cage and fix the ileum

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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