Treatment of a mysentitis in young children

Dermatitis can appear in young children with typical symptoms such as dry skin lesions accompanied by itching. The disease greatly affects the health and development of the child, so it needs to be treated early and actively.

1. What is a pediatric a mysentitis?

1.1 Epidemiological features

Atopic Dermatitis, also known as organ eczema, is a recurrent, chronic dermatitis that occurs mainly in children and is associated with allergic organs. Normally, the skin has a protective barrier layer, which prevents water in the skin from evaporating and protects the skin from external pathogens. In humans with aphitis, the skin protection layer is damaged, the skin is dry, dehydration, external bacteria penetrate and cause redness, itchy blisters on the skin.

Amatitis is usually present quite early, common in babies in the period of 3 months after birth and lasts until about 5 years of age. According to statistics, about 60% of children have a dermatitis in the first year, 30% develop the disease in the first 5 years, and in older children the incidence of the disease is only 10%. Most often, the disease disappears as the child enters the adult stage. However, there are many cases of angice dermatitis that are repeated again and again until adulthood, causing many inconveniences and negatively affecting the health of the child.

1.2 Causes and symptoms of the disease

The cause of a mysentitis in children is mainly heredity. Besides, the factors that cause the disease to oncch and worsen include: air-in-air anomalies (waste of house aphids, wool,…), the toxins of yellow coaguosis, food allergies (eggs, milk, fish, soybeans, wheat flour,…).

Treatment of children with aphitis

Dermatitis in young children

Regarding symptoms of the disease, children with a dermatitis present differently depending on the stage of the disease. Specifically, in the stage of emergency, the manifestation of the disease is a erm and a cloud of skin, there are red skin with unknown boundaries, blisters secreted, edema, secretion scales,… The disease is usually resident of the forehead, cheeks, chin and if heavier can spread to his arms and torso. In the semi-severe stage, the symptoms of the disease are milder, the skin is not edema or secretion. By the chronic stage, the young skin is thick, the boundaries are clear, there are painful cracks, lesions in the large folds, palms, palms, wrists, forearms, neck, nape, fingers,…

Without timely treatment, amatitis in children can lead to complications such as infection; skin lesions leave permanent scars, which affect the aesthetics later. In addition, the disease also affects the digestive system of the child, causing the child to be malnourished. In severe cases of myalitis, the disease can affect the nerves, affecting the health of the child. In addition, if treated improperly, the disease will recur many times, persisting until the child matures, accompanied by complications such as conjunctivitisof the eyes, allergic rhinitis,asthma,…

2. Treatments for amatitis in young children

The goal of the treatment of amatitis in children is to exclude itching and dermatitis, soothe the skin, fight dryness of the skin, fight infections,… Depending on the specific case, there will be appropriate treatment options. Specifically:

2.1 Treatment of amatitis with folk leafy plants

In folklore, there are some herbs that have the effect of treating dermatitis such as betel leaves, green tea, waffle leaves, red single leaves (single generals) ,… These herbs can be used to bathe the child. The advantages of this treatment are close, safe, cheap and have the effect of reducing itching, antibacterial, supporting the treatment of a mycothitis in children effectively.

However, this method needs long-term use. At the same time, besides bathing leaves, parents should use more moisturizers or prescription medications from their doctor to quickly repel dermatitis. When treating this method, parents should pay attention to follow the instructions of the doctor and need to ensure hygiene, avoid causing infection of the child.

Betel leaves do not

Betel leaves do not have the effect of treating a mysentitis

2.2 Treatment of amatitis with Western medicine

The treatment of a mysentitis according to Western medicine mainly focuses on the following purposes: Soothing the skin, fighting dry skin, preventing dermatitis with the following drugs:

  • Topical drugs

Depending on the purpose to be achieved, the doctor may prescribe the use of a topical drug or a combination of use of a variety for the highest efficiency. The main effect of topical drugs is topical treatment, eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Topical drugs commonly used for patients with a mysentitis are:

  • Skin moisturizers
  • Main therapeutic drugs
  • Medium Therapeutic Drugs
  • Strong therapeutic drugs
  • Poultices
  • Drugs for tarpaulin, flakes

*Note: When using topical drugs for the treatment of a myalitis in children, especially the group of highly active drugs should strictly follow the doctor's prescription of the drug, dosage and duration of use to avoid encountering undesirable side effects.

  • Oral medications

In addition to topical medications, your doctor may also prescribe local dermatitis to use oral medications that work on the whole body to improve skin susceptibleity. Commonly prescribed oral medications include:

  • Group of antibiotics
  • Group of immunosuppressive drugs
  • Oral corticoid drug group

*Note: When using oral medications, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's prescription of the drug, dosage and duration of use in each specific case, avoiding the use of the drug on its own to reduce the risk of unpredictable side effects.

2.3 Treatment of a mysentitis with Oriental medicine

According to the Oriental medicine concept, the cause of dermatitis is due to the detoxifying functions of the liver, kidneys are impaired, blood gases do not flow, accumulation under the skin causes itching, inflammation,… The mechanism of curing a myositis according to Oriental medicine focuses on the process of detoxifying and enhancing the function of internal organs with remedies prepared from natural herbs. This is an effective, safe and benign method. However, before taking Traditional Medicine, parents should consult a doctor.

Treatment of a mysentitis with Oriental medicine

Treatment of a mysentitis with remedies in Oriental medicine

3. How to care for a child with a dermatitis

In addition to treatment, parents should pay attention to the following issues to reduce the risk of disease and recurrence of dermatitis in children:

  • It is recommended to breastfeed the baby completely in the first 6 months of life for a good immune system;
  • Keep your child's bedroom cool, clean, with reasonable humidity;
  • Children should be restricted from exposure to dirt or animal hair;
  • When drinking milk, nutritious food, flour,… it is necessary to monitor if the baby shows signs of allergies, if any, it is necessary to change other foods;
  • Children's clothes should be made from soft fabrics, without fabric dust and should limit woolen items, because it is easy to cause itching, skin irritation;
  • Clean your child's body with warm water, not too hot or too cold;
  • Choose a pH shower gel suitable for your baby, light acidity, help regenerate and maintain skin pH, rinse dirt, do not dry the skin and do not contain ingredients that irritate the skin;
  • Apply moisturizer to the baby immediately after bathing;
  • Clean the baby's diaper area, avoid skin rash;
  • Watch out, do not let children scratch, scratch and damage the skin;
  • Replenish water and foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, Omega-3 for babies to enhance resistance, anti-inflammatory from the inside of the body.

Amatitis in children can be complicated if not treated properly. Therefore, parents should pay attention when the baby has warning signs of dermatitis should go to the doctor immediately to have the most appropriate direction of intervention and treatment.

At Share99 International Health Hub, there is a package of examination and advice on treatment of ao dermatitis to help customers evaluate the overall condition and advise on measures to help prevent recurrence of the disease.

When registering for the examination package and advice on treatment of aerative amatitis, customers will be: Dermatological examination. Perform tests such as: IgE dosing, fresh microfungal screening, IgE dosing specific to respiratory and food allergies (Panel 1 Viet), Rida Allergy Screen (panel 1) …

For examination and treatment with leading dermatologists at Share99, you can contact HERE


  • Examination and consultation package for treatment of aph aphitis
  • Amatitis: What to know
  • Children with a dermatitis: How to take proper care?


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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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