Features of coal bacteria

The coal bacterium, scientifically named Bacillus anthracis, is a gram-positive bacillus. They exist in nature as spores, so survival can last for decades. Bacillus anthracis causes anthracis for both animals and humans. The human body can become infected with coal bacteria through different paths such as: respiratory tract, skin tract, gastrointestinal tract, or needle line. The degree and symptoms of the disease depend on each line of bacterial infection.

1. What are coal bacteria?

Bacillus anthracis is a bacterium in the Bacillaceae family, like Bacillus. Bacillus-like bacteria are inherently present almost everywhere in nature, including in the bodies of the human body. Most of them do not cause disease, even some species play a beneficial role, helping to balance the micronables in the human body.

Bacillus anthracis were first discovered in 1848, they are gram-positive, edict bacillus with two square heads, about 1 – 3 x 5 – 10 mm in size, not mobile and often arranged in chains. Bacillus anthracis is prone to growing in environments with a temperature of about 37 degrees Celsius, pH = 6.9-7. Coal bacteria have not too high resistance, most of them are destroyed at a temperature of 600C within 30 minutes, at 1000C within 5 minutes, and easily destroyed by common disinfectants.

When in the external environment, coal bacteria exist in the form of spores. The spores of Bacillus anthracis have very high resistance. They can survive in natural conditions for many years, even decades, while maintaining the ability to cause disease. Spores are destroyed only under extreme conditions such as: dry heat of 1700C for 60 minutes or wet temperature of 1210C for 30 minutes.

Bacillus anthracis can cause disease in both humans and animals.

  • In animals, anthrothtic anthrobes (also known as anthrothers). Diseases are often cattle, especially herbivorous cattle such as buffalo, cows, horses, sheep,… because they are easy to inhale bacterial spores present in infected soil, grass, water sources. The majority of cattle infected with Bacillus anthracis die from sepsis.
  • For humans, bacillus anthracis causes anthrax. This is an acute bacterial infection. Infected sugars include the skin sugar (which is the most common sugar, the rate of which accounts for about 94-95%), the gastrointestinal tract (0.5-0.7%), the respiratory tract (0.3%). In addition, a number of cases have been recorded in Europe that people who use needle pumps to inject heroin are also infected with anth anth anthmus.

Because of its dangerous nature and long-lasting characteristics in the natural environment, coal bacteriums have been used in the past as biological weapons for wars and terrorism.

Not only is it transmitted through bites, rabies is also transmitted through the saliva of the animal

In addition to humans, coal bacteria can also cause diseases in animals

2. Anthrax in humans

The main source of infection of anth anthonym in humans is from infected animals. Human-to-human transmission of anth anthlasm is quite rare. Depending on the path of infection, the manifestation and degree of the disease are different.

  • Skin-infecting anth anth anthsym.

Charcoal bacteria spores can penetrate the human body through scratches or open wounds on the skin. This usually happens when we come into contact with sick animals and their waste products, or directly butcher those animals that die from anth anth anthies.

Cross-skin infection anth anth anth anth cause is common, and also the least dangerous. After an incubation period of 1-10 days, lesions will appear on the patient's skin. The oncage is itchy, then lumpy, swollen red, blisters grow, and about 2 to 4 days later they develop into black necrotic ulcers. The surrounding skin is often swollen, spreading.

If treatment is carried out early and properly, the disease will heal and leave only scars on the skin. But if not treated properly or the patient's resistance is too weak, not responding to treatment, the infection will worsen, leading to sepsis and general intoxication. In this case, the patient may die. This ratio is only about 5% but still takes precautions.

  • Anth linenthat infects the gastrointestinal tract.

When eating raw or undercooked meat from animals infected with Bacillus anthracis, you can completely become infected with anthracis through the gastrointestinal tract. The incubation period is usually from 2 to 5 days. Then the patient has symptoms such as: abdominal pain, loss of appetite, vomiting of blood, fever, going out to the blood,… In severe cases, the patient may experience septic shock, mesenteritis in the enlarged intestine, mucosal lesions in the ileum and ileum.

If not treated, more than 50% of patients infected with gastrointestinal anth anth anthies will die. If treated promptly and properly, 60% of patients will recover from the disease.

  • Anth linen infection through the respiratory tract.

When inhaling the spores of bacillus anthracis, you can get anthracnosis through the respiratory tract. This is the least common but most dangerous disease, its mortality is up to 90% if not treated in time. In case of active treatment, about 55% of patients get rid of the disease and survive.

After an incubation period of 1 to 5 days, the patient begins to show dangerous symptoms such as high fever with chills, cyanosis, shortness of breath, sweating, headache,… the disease quickly turns to sepsis, renal inflammation, meningitis, intoxication of the whole body and death of the patient.

Japanese encephalitis

If the disease is not treated in time, it will turn to meningitis

3. How to prevent and treat anth anth anthsyx

We can prevent the infection of anth anth anth anthlex by:

  • Anth anthonym vaccination should be carried out to minimize the risk of disease outbreaks. This is a live at cannic vaccine that is effective for protection for about 1 year. There is also a vaccine extracted from the culture environment of un shellless bacterial strains, which can be used for humans. However, this vaccine usually only injects service personnel or people with occupational characteristics who are exposed to animals or products that contain a lot of bacteria.
  • Animals that die from anthrowth need to be properly destroyed, after burying the animal's corpses should be covered with lime powder to cleanse and prevent the spread of bacteria.
  • Dust resistance and good ventilation in industrial plants, especially the leather industry because it is a high-risk industry exposed to anth anthies. The workers here need to be fully equipped with clothes and protective equipment, often have regular health checks, conduct immediate treatment for patients if the disease is detected. Ensure sterilization at the last stages before bringing the product to market.
  • It is necessary to regularly check the source of wastewater from industrial plants, factories and processing of animal products to ensure that it does not transmit pathogenic bacteria to the external environment.
  • Do not trade and use the skins of anth anth anth anthage-infected animals. Do not eat meat when it is suspected that the animal died of anthage.
  • Ensure food safety, eat cooked and boiled. Keep your body clean, take care and be aware of scratches or open wounds on the skin.

For the treatment of anthlasm, antibiotics are drugs used. Antibiotic therapy is highly effective if the disease is diagnosed early. Common antibiotics are penicillin, tetracyclin, streptomycin. In it, the best effect is penicillin. If you are allergic to penicillin or penicillin-resistant bacteria, a combination of antibiotics should be used for better results.

If you have abnormal symptoms, you should be examined and consulted with a specialist.

For direct advice, please click the HOTLINE number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE

Article reference source: cdc.gov


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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of Share99.net. I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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