Lumbar spinal computer scan: What to know

The article was consulted professionally by Master, Dr. Nguyen Le Thao Tram – Doctor of Diagnostic Imaging –
Department of Diagnostic Imaging – Share99 Nha Trang International Hospital.

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Lumbar spine differential imaging using a spinning X-ray beam to observe varying degrees or slices of the waist. The results of this method make it possible for the doctor to assess injuries such as rupture of the disc, or any abnormalities of the bones, and spine.

1. What is a computer scan of the lumbar spine for?

Lumbar spine computer ctecting is the use of X-rays that produce images that cross the body's part at the lumbar spine site. The scanner circles the body and sends images back to the computer screen so that doctors and technicians can observe it.

The lumbar part of the spine is a common area where back problems occur. Accordingly, the lumbar spine is almost the lowest part of the spine. It is made up of five vertebrae. Below the lumbar spine are the sclebar and below the sclebar is the coccyx (caudal bone). In addition, there are several other components of the lumbar spine such as: Large blood vessels, nerves, tendons, ligaments and cartilage.

lumbar spine

Lumbar spine formed from five vertebrae

Lumbar spinal computerization is one of the imaging tests that a doctor can use to diagnose spinal problems including pain caused by injury, infection or other conditions. Therefore, perform com-layer scans of the lumbar spine when there are signs such as:

Back pain accompanied by fever

Congenital malformations affecting the spine

Herniated disc

● Infection

Lower spinal injury

Lumbar pain

● Multiple sclerosis


● Pinched nerves

● There are problems related to bladder control

● Cancer

● Weak spine, numbness or other leg-related problems.

2. What should patients prepare before a lumbar spine scan?

Lumbar spinal computer scan is a non-invasive test. Before the test, the patient will be required to wear a hospital gown. At the same time, remove all jewelry, metal objects from the body.

the patient removes the jewelry before the

Patients are not allowed to bring jewelry when entering the ctectclass

In some cases it is necessary to use additional special dyes (photo-blocker). This drug helps to increase contrast in specific areas that are better displayed on X-rays. The drug will be given intravenously in the hands or forearms. Or it can be injected into the living tube. In some specific cases, patients will be asked not to eat or drink anything for 4 to 6 hours before the shooting. For those who have had an allergic reaction to contrast agents, you should talk to your treating doctor for a treatment option.

3. Steps to perform a computer scan of the lumbar spine

Patients will be explained in detail by specialists and technicians about this technique to make coordination easier for patients.

The technician will guide the patient to lie on his back in the frame, shoulders lowered to the maximum, while his hands can be raised above the head or can be left along the body. During the scan, the technician will ask the patient to fast and not swallow to avoid affecting the test results. After that, the technician will conduct a ctect of the entire spine area in the vertical orientation. This test can take about 10 to 15 minutes.

Determine the result:

● The results of the image will help the doctor assess the damage to the stinging body such as: rupture of the burn body, flattening of the sting body, sliding of the burn body, especially in case of post-combustion damage, post-traumatic bow lesions, traumatic hematoma, signs of disc hernia, damage to the living groove software , …

● This result can also observe lesions in vertebral degeneration such as: lateral osteochondrosis, ligament degeneration, vertebral slip due to degeneration, stenosis of the spinal canal.

Also assess the abnormalities of congenital spine.

computer-cir what to do

Imaging results help diagnose spinal abnormalities

4. How to handle possible complications

Performing a computer scan of the lumbar spine makes it easy for the doctor to diagnose and handle the disease early to bring high therapeutic effect. However, this test will have a number of possible complications.

● X-ray exposure risk: Therefore, close monitoring and control is required to ensure the least use of radioactive capacity. In addition, in some specific cases it is necessary to use contrast to increase the accuracy of the areas captured that may cause an allergic reaction. Mild allergies can be itching, nausea, sneezing, urticaria. At that time, the doctor may use antihistamines or steroids before the filming.

● For people with diabetes or kidney diseases should inform their doctor if they have to use photothrical medications. At that time, the doctor will replenish the patient with fluid after the test to help remove iodine from the body.

● In some cases use contrast drugs with severe allergic reactions affecting life (anaphylactic shock). Please inform your doctor for timely treatment.

Lumbar spinal microclassing is one of the effective methods to help doctors guess and effectively treat diseases related to the lumbar spine but this method can leave some complications such as X-ray exposure, allergies,… Therefore, patients with suspected spinal diseases should choose reputable visiting addresses to minimize these complications.

Share99 International Health Hub has been continuing to invest in modern machines to serve computer-layered and X-ray scans,… in the diagnosis of images, including the procedure for examination of diseases of the spine and joints. Especially to bring high efficiency in medical examination and treatment, Share99 also designs many medical services accompanied by leading osteoarthritis specialists to bring the best treatment results to customers.

For examination and treatment of Share99, please go directly to Share99 Health System or register for an online examination HERE.



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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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