3-month mid-pregnancy nutrition

A proper pregnancy nutrition, combined with proper movement and rest will help the fetus develop optimally and the pregnant woman is healthy enough to nourish and care for the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure nutrition for the pregnant woman throughout the pregnancy, especially the middle 3 months – the fast-growing fetal stage.

1. The role of pregnancy nutritional care

During the child's period in the fetus, the nutrition of the baby depends on the pregnancy nutrition of the mother. The source of nutrition from the mother will follow the blood, through the placenta to provide for the fetus. If there is a full nutrition, the mother will have good resistance, no disease, enough health to give birth but quickly recover after birth, have enough lactation milk, have the strength to take care of the baby.

In addition, the mother is well looked after before and during pregnancy will give birth to healthy babies, without fetal malnutrition or mental retness, movement. Therefore, nutritional care for pregnant women is extremely important.

Nutrition during pregnancy also needs to be adjusted individually to suit each stage. Specifically:

  • In the first 3 months: Is the stage of formation of fetal bodies and organizations such as spinal cord, brain, lungs, liver, heart,… therefore, the mother needs to enhance the addition of protein-rich foods;
  • 3-month nutrition between pregnancies: As the fetal stage develops rapidly, develops in the skeleton and height of the child, so it is necessary to increase the energy response for pregnant women;
  • In the last 3 months: As the fastest stage of fetal weight development, the mother needs to be provided with adequate and diverse nutrition so that the baby is ready to be born healthy.


Proper nutrition in the middle 3 months is very important

2. Nutritional needs 3 months between pregnancy

The nutritional needs of pregnant women in the 3 months between pregnancies are similar to other stages, including the following important nutrients:

2.1 Need for energy and essential nutrients

The average female energy demand is 2,200 kcal/day. Pregnant women in the middle 3 months will need an additional energy of 360 kcal/day, which is about 2,560 kcal/day. Providing sufficient energy needs during pregnancy helps pregnant women gain weight steadily.

The rate of weight gain for women with normal weight before pregnancy should remain at 0.4kg/week for the last 3 months between and the last 3 months of pregnancy. For women with low weight, the rate of weight gain should be kept at 0.5kg / week. For overweight women, the appropriate weight gain rate is 0.3kg/week.

The need for essential nutrients:

  • Protein: Necessary for the formation of the fetus, placenta and med muscle tissue. Pregnant women should increase their appetite of protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk and legumes;
  • Fat: Essential for the construction of cell membranes and the nervous system of the fetus, while providing energy, supporting the pregnant woman to absorb oil-soluble vitamins. Pregnant women should increase their use of fats, including animal fats, coconut oil, palm oil in less amounts and soybean oil, sesame oil, fish fat in more amounts;
  • Fiber: Pregnant women need to supplement fiber from cereals, sweet potatoes, fruits, greens,… and drink plenty of water to reduce the risk of constipation, hemorrhoids.

2.2 Vitamin and mineral needs

Pregnant women have higher demand for vitamins and minerals than usual. Essential vitamins and minerals for pregnant women include:

  • Calcium: Helps with the formation of the fetal bone system. The daily calcium needs of pregnant women should be increased by about 300mg/day, equivalent to the total required amount of 1,000 – 1,200 mg/day. Calcium-rich foods necessary for pregnant women 3 months between pregnancies include: dairy products, beans, greens, fish, copper shrimp,…;
  • Folic acid: Essential for fetal development because if the fetus is deprived of folic acid, the fetus is prone to neurological malformations. The demand for folic acid in pregnant women is 600 μg/day. Therefore, pregnant women need to pay attention to supplement foods rich in folic acid such as cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, bananas, oranges, eggs,… In addition to food, pregnant women should supplement folic acid orally in the dosage prescribed by a doctor;
  • Vitamin D: Supports the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus better to form the bone system. Vitamin D deficiency leads to osteoporosis, hypocalcemia causing seizures, osteoporosis,… Pregnant women should sunbathe more (at a time when it is cool, not sunny), and supplement foods of animal origin rich in vitamin D such as fish liver, butter, milk, eggs, fatty fish,…;
  • Vitamin A: Pregnant women throughout pregnancy, especially the middle 3 months need a reserve of vitamin A to provide for their baby and increase medical resistance. The need for vitamin A for pregnant women is 800 μg/day. Some foods rich in vitamin A are very healthy including: liver, egg yolk, milk, meat, green, yellow, red vegetables,… However, it should be noted if pregnant women consume too much vitamin A, which can cause fetal malformations. Therefore, pregnant women need vitamin A supplements as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Vitamin B1: Pregnant women should be given enough vitamin B1 to avoid edema. Foods rich in vitamin B1 should be added to the diet of pregnant women including pork, vegetables, legumes, some fish,…


Vitamin D helps prevent osteoporosis in pregnant mothers

2.3 Other micro-substance needs

  • Iron: Is a micro-substance that is essential for the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Pregnant mothers, especially in the middle of pregnancy should enhance the addition of foods with high iron content such as meat, animal liver, clams, oysters, snails, cereals, beans,… to prevent anemia for pregnant mothers. This is because if the pregnant mother has anemia, it can cause premature birth, still still life, or the pregnant woman has a lot of bleeding after birth. In addition, pregnant women should take additional iron supplements, take it from the time of pregnancy and last until 1 month after birth. At the same time, for better absorption of iron should increase the use of foods rich in vitamin C;
  • Iodine: Is a micro-substance that plays a very important role for pregnant women. Pregnant women with iodine deficiency are at high risk of miscarriage, still still life, premature birth or babies born with intellectual retformation, low newborn weight, and congenital defects,… Therefore, pregnant women should supplement iodine-rich foods such as sea fish, seaweed and eat salt with iodine supplements, ensuring iodine demand reaches 200 μg/day;
  • Zinc: Pregnant women should take zinc-rich foods to reach a total dosage of 20 mg daily. This is because if zinc is lacking, the fetus is prone to low weight, low height and prone to congenital defects.

Definition and resolution of anemia

Pregnant mother needs iron supplements so as not to suffer from anemia

3. Some notes on nutrition 3 months between pregnancy

Pregnant women throughout pregnancy, especially during the middle 3 months should note:

  • Absolutely do not smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs. If the person around you smoke should stay away to avoid inhaling toxic smoke. Caused by stimulants that can cause the heart to beat rapidly, causing nausea, headaches, affecting the development of the fetus;
  • Reduce the ingestion of spicy, sour spices such as peppers, peppers, vinegar, garlic because they can cause stomach pain, hemorrhoids and constipation;
  • Limit the drinking of coffee and processed feeds;
  • Choose fresh, clean and high nutritional value, ensure food hygiene and safety, eat cooked, drink boiling;
  • Do not eat full before going to bed and should eat slowly, sit upright when eating;
  • If sick should break down meals during the day and avoid smelling food;
  • Reduce salty eating for pregnant women with edema, hypertension or gestational intoxication,… to avoid complications at birth;
  • Limit sweets because excessive sugar intake can cause calcium loss, prone to weight gain and gestational diabetes;
  • There is no need to abstain from abstinence, it is not recommended to eat only a few foods or eat too much sour, spicy food,… because it is easy to cause a lack of substances for mother and baby. The meal of the pregnant woman should be varied a variety of different foods;
  • Drink plenty of water;
  • The use of the drug during pregnancy should be cautious, strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.

During the 3-month period between pregnancies, pregnant women do not get sick much, can eat more comfortably, so they need to eat enough substances to provide enough essential nutrition for the needs of mothers and babies. Every woman should take care of her diet during pregnancy, building a scientific menu for a healthy pregnancy. In case of wanting a scientific diet, pregnant women should look to nutritionists for advice, more thoroughly.

To ensure the best health of the pregnant woman and the fetus, you should choose to register for packages of Maternity packages at reputable medical facilities to be regularly examined and monitored by doctors to promptly handle the problems and risks that occur during pregnancy and after labor.

At Vinmec International Health Hub, there is a full maternity service as a solution to help pregnant mothers feel secure because there is a team of doctors throughout the pregnancy. When choosing a full-service maternity, a pregnant woman can:

  • The pregnancy process is monitored by a team of highly specialized doctors
  • Regular examination, early detection of abnormalities
  • Package maternity for the convenience of childbirth
  • Infants receive comprehensive care

For direct advice, please click the HOTLINE number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE

Pregnant women's health care: The pregnant mother's handbook to know


  • Effects of fetal malnutrition on the development of the child
  • Nutrition and menu for pregnant women during pregnancy so that the baby is healthy, the mother does not gain weight
  • Pregnant women's nutrition: Pre-pregnancy preparation is required

  • What foods is folic acid in?
  • 6 groups of nutrients that need special attention during pregnancy
  • Can pregnant women eat wormwood?

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of Share99.net. I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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