Protein diet: What happens?

Protein or protein is an essential part of a healthy diet. It helps build and repair muscles, muscles and bones. However, an excess protein diet is also associated with some of the risks that you need to know.

1. What happens when eating excess protein?

Excessive consumption of protein can lead to an increased risk of health complications.

1.1 Weight gain

A protein-rich diet can help with weight loss but this type of weight loss occurs only in the short term.

Excess protein will usually be stored in the form of fats, while an excess of amino acids will be excreted. This can lead to weight gain over time.

1.2 Bad breath

Eating large amounts of protein can lead to bad breath, especially if you limit the consumption of carbohydrates. This is partly because your body enters a metabolic state called ketosis, which produces chemicals that smell of fermented fruits.

1.3 Constipation

Because a protein-rich diet restricts carbohydrates, it leads to less fiber and leads to constipation. Therefore, you need to increase the amount of drinking water and fiber to help prevent constipation.

1.4 Diarrhea

Overeing milk or processed foods, along with a lack of fiber, can cause diarrhea. This is especially true if you are lactose intolerance or consume protein sources such as fried meat, fish and poultry.


Excessive consumption of protein can cause diarrhea

1.5 Dehydration

Due to excess protein, the body will eliminate excess nitrogen along with liquids and water. This phenomenon can cause the body to dehydration although you may not feel thirsty more than usual.

1.6 Increased cancer risk

Studies have explained that some protein-rich diets, especially proteins from red meat, are associated with an increased risk of various health problems, including cancer. Eat more red meat and/or processed meats that are associated with colorectal,breast, and prostate cancer.

Cons, eating protein from other sources can help reduce the risk of cancer by limiting the amount of hormones, carcinogenic compounds and fats found in meat.

1.7 Heart disease

Eating more red meat and fatty dairy foods in a protein-rich diet can lead to heart disease. The cause is an increase in the consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol.

1.8 Gout

Gout develops when there is too much uric acid in the blood. This excess of uric acid can be a consequence of a diet high in purines or the body produces too much uric acid.


People who consume too much protein may experience gout

2. How much protein is enough to consume?

  • The ideal daily amount of protein that you should consume depends on a number of factors, including age, gender, activity, health and some other factors.
  • However, in most cases, the recommended daily amount of protein for adults can be calculated based on body weight.
  • For most adults with minimal physical activity, experts recommend consuming an average daily minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of weight.
  • If you exercise for more than an hour a day, you can eat protein up to 1.2 to 1.7 grams/kg of weight per day.
  • However, some people like athletes can eat up to 3.5 g/ kg of body weight without any side effects.
  • Overall, experts also believe that most healthy adults can eat 2g of protein/kg of weight per day for long periods of time.

3. The best sources of protein

When choosing foods rich in protein, you should choose healthy food sources. This can help reduce the risk for some of the negative effects of a protein-rich diet. Healthy sources of protein include:

  • Lean meat from animals
  • Fish
  • Chicken eggs

Chicken egg allergy

Chicken eggs are a healthy source of protein for human health
  • Organic milk
  • Legumes
  • drupe
  • Cereals

Try to avoid high-fat meats and dairy products as well as protein sources from frying or pre-processing.

4. When do you need to go to the doctor?

You need to carefully consider the risks of a protein-rich diet to determine if this diet is suitable for yourself. To know exactly, you need to seek the opinion of your doctor before starting any new diet, especially if you have additional pathology.

Doctors and dietits specialists can help you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a protein-rich diet based on your individual needs.

In general, you need a balanced, healthy diet and encourage an active lifestyle. Arrange work and living plans to achieve the goals you are aiming for, whether it is weight loss or muscle gain, by being most beneficial for health and long-term maintenance.

Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist can contact Share99 Health System nationwide or register online HERE.


  • Omega-6 fatty acids: Uses, side effects, instructions for use
  • Is excess protein in children dangerous?
  • What are the benefits of monounsaturated fats?

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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