Common locations of cerebral aneurysms

The brain aneurysm is one of the health problems that has been going quietly but is a "slow-exploding bomb" for anyone. On average, this pathology occurs in about 2% – 8% of the population worldwide. Knowing the common locations of the cerebral aneurysm will support more effective treatment of the disease.

1. What is a brain aneurysm?

Brain aneurysm is a neurological pathology in which the cerebral blood vessels enlarge similarly to a "berry". This increases the risk of cerebral blood leakage or rupture of blood vessels causing brain haemorrhage.

Brain aneurysms usually appear simultaneously in many cerebral blood vessels and rarely appear monovascular. These aneurysms are potentially life-threatening, especially when they are located in brain arteries.

According to the Fund to support patients with cerebral aneurysms, not every aneurysm will cause rupture of blood vessels. However, when the cerebral artery ruptures, it is easy for the patient to suffer a stroke and is more likely to leave serious damage to the brain, even death.

2. Some common locations of cerebral aneurysms

The most common type of brain aneurysm is a cerebral aneurysm, which occurs in 90% of cases of cerebral aneurysm. This type of aneurysm is also known as aortic aneurysm, aneurysm, or berry … Cerebral aneurysms are usually similar in shape to "berries" with a narrow body. Typically, a patient may have more than one brain aneurysm.

Cerebral aneurysms occur frequently in arteries located in the pre-brain part, especially the branching area of blood vessels. This is also the group of arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to brain tissue. However, in reality, any artery area in the brain can develop a brain aneurysm.

The cause of the formation of these aneurysms is associated with blood motivated that has caused pressure on the branching area of the cerebral vessels, so the area is almost unbearable. In addition, some other causes such as vascular structure, infection, injury, radiation, tumors … also causes brain aneurysms.


Blood pressure on the cerebral branch vessels that form the aneurysms

In addition to brain aneurysms, two other types of brain aneurysms are rhombic aneurysms and dissected aneurysms.

A dissected aneurysm is a concept used to address the hematoma in the vessel city, which is often associated with injury or hypertension. Rhombic aneurysms are dilated passages. These circuit segments are usually very long and have a high fold. Rhombic brain aneurysms are considered a consequence of lesions from severe atherosclerosis, which are commonly located in the background circuitry.

3. Causes and risk factors for brain aneurysms

In terms of causes, cerebral aneurysms can form due to thin arteries or weaker branching locations than other locations. Some of the following factors increase the risk of aneurysm formation in the brain:

  • Family history or medical history of the individual;
  • Gender: females are more likely to get the disease than men;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Tobacco;
  • Due to injury or heredity…

Along with that, the danger of brain aneurysms lies in the fact that when the blood vessels rupture will lead to serious complications. Some of the following causes are likely to promote aneurysm rupture:

  • Excessive exercise;
  • Intestinal spasms syndrome;
  • Outrageous emotions such as grief, anger, surprise…;
  • Sexual contact;

aneurysm rupture

Excessive movement can increase the likelihood of rupture of the aneurysm

4. Common symptoms of brain aneurysms

After finding out the common locations of cerebral aneurysms, it is possible to see that the aneurysms in the cerebral arteries are in large proportions and are also the most dangerous cases. Depending on the stage of the disease and based on the state of the cerebral aneurysms, the symptoms of brain aneurysms may vary.

4.1 Case of ruptured brain aneurysm

The patient will feel sudden, intense and intense headaches. Besides, ruptured brain aneurysms can cause more pronounced signs including:

  • Stiff neck, can not rotate;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Visual disturbances, blurred vision or double vision, have a special sensitivity to light;
  • Loss of consciousness, convulsions.

4.2 Case of brain aneurysm leaking only

In some cases, blood in the arteries at the site of the bulge may leak a small amount out. At that time, the patient may suffer from severe episodes of sudden headaches. However, there are not as many symptoms as in the case of ruptured aneurysms.

4.3 In case the cerebral aneurysm has not ruptured

In the case of non-rupture, almost these aneurysms will not cause obvious manifestations. However, for some large-sized aneurysms will pinch on brain tissue and nerves, thereby causing:

  • Diling of the homity;
  • Soreness above and behind the eyes;
  • Disordered vision, easy to see double;
  • One side of the face is weak or even paralyzed.

Thus, knowing the brain aneurysm and common locations of the cerebral aneurysm will facilitate treatment. In addition, you need to regularly monitor the condition of the aneurysm in order to have appropriate indicators from your doctor.

You should build a healthy lifestyle, regularly practice physical exercise, strengthen the body's resistance and avoid stress. Do not forget to check your health regularly for appropriate adjustments.

Currently, Share99 International Health Hub has general health check-up packages for many different subjects. You can choose the package that suits your needs such as:

  • Children's general health check-up
  • Standard general health check-up
  • Comprehensive general health check-up
  • Special general health check-up
  • VIP General Health Check-up
  • Diamond General Health Check-up

To register for examination and treatment at Share99 International Health Hub, you can contact the Hotline of Share99 Health System nationwide, or register for an online examination HERE.



  • Beware of brain stamping complications after brain aneurysm surgery
  • Extremely dangerous brain aneurysms
  • Learn about brain aneurysm node method at Share99

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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