Causes of miscarriage

The article was consulted professionally by Specialist I Truong Nghia Binh – Obstetrician and Gynecologist – Share99 Da Nang International Health Hub. Doctors have more than 13 years of experience in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

Worrying about the risk of miscarriage is the general mood of many pregnant women. Learning about the common causes of miscarriage will help pregnant women feel more secure, actively improve pregnancy health.

1. Miscarriage overview

Most miscarriages occur before the 20th week of pregnancy, with more than 80% occurring within the first tri tri month. Miscarriage rarely appears after the 20th week of gestation, if any, this condition is called late miscarriage.

According to statistical data, at least 85% of women who have ever had a miscarriage will get pregnant again and give birth normally afterwards. The causes of miscarriage usually do not reflect the fertility of females. Only about 1 – 2% of women can suffer multiple miscarriages (three or more) due to an auto-immune response.

Symptoms of miscarriage include:

  • Vaginal bleeding progresses from mild to severe;
  • Abdominal and lower back pain;
  • Cramps, fever and fatigue;
  • There is fluid or fetal tissue that ess the vagina.

However, there are still many pregnant women who have had vaginal hemorrhages during the first trime trime than successfully became pregnant. Therefore, if there are any suspected symptoms, you should immediately go to the obstetrics clinic for accurate diagnosis and monitoring.

Causes of miscarriage

There are many pregnant women who have vaginal hemorrhages during the first trimepcle of successful pregnancy

2. Causes of miscarriage

2.1. Chroma abnormalities

More than 50% of the causes of miscarriage in the first 3 months are caused by chroma of the baby with problems. Chromotypes contain genes that identify distinctive fetal features, such as hair and eye color. The fetus will not be able to develop normally if there is a deviation in the number or appearance of chroma mutations.

Most often, chroma disorder occurs randomly as the embryo divides and develops, not a genetic problem from the parents. Therefore, this cause of early natural abortion usually does not repeat itself again if the mother continues to become pregnant in the future.

Until now medicine has not been able to find a way to prevent abnormal problems from occurring in chroma. However, as women get older, especially after the age of 35, the risk of chroma problems in particular and miscarriages in general increases.

2.2. Health status

The cause of a mid-3-monthmiscarriage , also known as the second trimep, is usually due to the state of health of the mother. Some health problems that increase a woman's risk of miscarriage include:

  • Infections such as Cytomegalovirus (CMV) or rubella;
  • Poorly controlled chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension;
  • Thyroid disease, lupus erythees and other auto immune or end hormone disorders;
  • Problems in the uterus, such as uterine fibroids or uterine malformations;
  • The opening of the cervical waist (also known as cervical dissystation) causes the cervical to thin and expand prematurely before the pregnancy is large enough.

2.3. Lifestyle

Some dangerous habits of the pregnant woman can affect the development of the fetus and are the cause of premature spontaneous abortion, including:

  • Smoking (some studies show that the risk of miscarriage increases even if the pregnant woman only smokes passively, that is, only the person around her smokes);
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Use of drugs and stimulants.

Causes of miscarriage

Alcohol abuse is one of the many factors that increase the risk of spontaneous abortion

2.4. Environmental factors

In addition to passive smoking, certain substances in the environment around the female's housing and workplace can also be the cause of miscarriage, namely:

  • Use old plumbing or come into contact with the paint of old houses built before the 80s;
  • Mercury poisoning from thermometers or fluorescent bulbs breaks, breaks;
  • Exposure to solvents such as paint diluteers, degreasers, stain remover and varnishes;
  • Exposure to insecticides to kill insects or rodents;
  • Arsenic intoxication due to living near waste dumps or using well water;

If there are concerns about toxic factors from the habitat, women should present to their obstetrician for further advice and support.

2.5. Other causes

In fact, most causes of miscarriage are often uncontrollable and it is difficult to determine correctly. However, there are still a number of different risk factors that increase the risk of miscarriage, including:

  • Age: Women over the age of 35 have a 20% higher risk of miscarriage and this rate will gradually increase with the age of the sisters (40 years: 40% and 45 years old: 80%);
  • After multiple miscarriages: Women who have had a miscarriage twice or more are more likely to have a miscarriage again;
  • Weight: Being underweight or overweight is also associated with an increased risk of miscarriage;
  • Invasive pre-maternity testing: Some pre-maternity genetic tests, such as spool velvet hair sampling and amniotic puncture, are at risk of mild miscarriage.

On the other hand, it is necessary to clearly distinguish daily activities, such as sports, sex and working in an environment free of toxic chemicals or radiation, which will not be the cause of miscarriage.

3. Pregnancy protections

Causes of miscarriage

Regular pregnancy check-up to promptly prevent and treat abnormalities

Although there is no way to prevent an absolute miscarriage, pregnant women can still take the following steps to enhance the chances of having a healthy pregnancy:

  • Examination and examination of pre-maternity;
  • Regular pregnancy check-up to promptly prevent and treat abnormalities, especially to prioritize the control of solving diseases;
  • Daily intake of multivitamins, especially Folic Acid (Vitamin B9);
  • Limit dangerous habits, it is possible to ask a doctor for assistance in detoxification of stimulants;
  • Present to your doctor the risks from your living environment and refer to appropriate pregnancy protection;
  • Conduct necessary obstetric tests if you have had multiple miscarriages.

It should be noted that most of the causes of early spontaneous abortion do not come from the mother, therefore you should try to overcome guilt or blame yourself, as well as avoid falling into negative emotions for long periods of time. Instead, women need to work closely with their doctor and adjust their lifestyles to be healthier to be assured of a healthy pregnancy.

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE

Reference source:;


  • After a miscarriage what should be abstained from to recover soon?
  • How long does it take to get pregnant?
  • Early miscarriage: Causes, signs, follow-up instructions

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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