Common fungal diseases

Fungal diseases are common because fungi live in the environment and can grow quickly with warm, humid conditions. If symptoms of the disease are detected early, it can help with effective treatment, while preventing serious complications.

1. Nail fungal infections

Nail fungal infections are one of the most common fungal diseases in nails or toenails that can cause the nails to change color, thicken and more prone to cracking.

Nail fungal infections can be caused by various fungi (yeasts or molds) that live in the environment. Small cracks in the nails or surrounding skin can allow these bacteria to penetrate the nails and cause infection. Anyone can get nail fungus disease, but the subjects are more susceptible to infection than older people; nail injuries or nail surgeries; diabetes; weakened immune system; encountered problems with the circulation of blood, legs of athletes.

  • Symptoms: Nail fungus usually has symptoms such as: Color loss (yellow, brown or white); thick; fragile or cracked; nail fungal infections are usually painless, unless the disease becomes serious. Some people with toenail fungus infections can also become infected with skin fungus in the feet, especially between the toes.
  • Diagnosis: To diagnose nail fungus can look at the affected nail and ask about the symptoms. In addition, it is possible to take the nail under a microscope or send it to the fungal culture laboratory.
  • Treatment: Nail fungal infections can be difficult to cure and the disease will not heal without drug treatment. The best treatment for nail fungus is the prescription drug of a dermatologist. In case of serious illness, the doctor can remove the nails completely, and it takes several months to a year to eliminate the infection.
  • Prevention: To prevent fungal diseases nails need to keep hands and feet clean, dry. Cut nails and pedicures while keeping them clean, not walking barefoot in changing areas and public baths, not sharing nail pliers.

Nail fungus

Nail infection is a fairly common disease, which can cause infection

2. Vactis

Candidiasis is an infection caused by yeast. Candidiasis usually lives inside the body (such as the mouth, throat, intestines and sounds) and on the skin without any problems. Sometimes Candida can cause infection if it is a vaginal environment.

Those who are likely to contract vaginal fungal diseases include: Pregnant women; women using contraceptive pills; have diabetes; have a poor immune system (HIV infection or the use of drugs that weaken the immune system such as steroids, chemotherapy …); are or have used antibiotics.

  • Symptoms: Candidiasis in the vagina will cause symptoms such as: vaginal itching or soreness during intersoling; Abnormal vaginal secrety. Although most vaginal candidiasis is mild, in some women there may be severe coincidences associated with redness, swelling and cracks in the vaginal walls.
  • Diagnosis and testing: For the diagnosis of vaginal mycgal disease it is necessary to take a small sample of vaginal translation and observe it under a microscope, or it can be sent to the laboratory for culture. However, positive fungal culture does not always mean that it is caused by candidiasis.
  • Treatment: Vaginal candidiasis is usually treated with antifungal drugs. For most infections, the treatment is the use of antifungal drugs placed in the vagina or a dose of fluconazole orally. In case of severe fungal infections, additional treatments are required. These methods include: oral doses of fluconazole, or vaginal ordering drugs such as boric acid, nystatin, flucytosine.
  • Prevention: To prevent vaginal fungal infections, cotton clothing should be used. Use antibiotics only when prescribed by a doctor.

3. Candidiasis in the mouth, throat and esophagus

Candidiasis in the mouth and throat is called oral fungus. Candidiasis in the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat to the stomach) is called candidiasis of the esophagus. Rye candidiasis is one of the most common infections in people with HIV/AIDS, blood cancer, people with leukemia, lymphoma.

Fungal diseases of the mouth, throat and erm are uncommon in healthy adults. Those at high risk of infection include infants, especially those under 1 month of age, and those who are usually: wearing dentures, having diabetes, having cancer, being infected with HIV/AIDS, taking antibiotics or corticosteroids

  • Symptoms: Fungal diseases of the mouth and throat have various symptoms, including: white patches in the clear cheeks, tongue, palate and throat; redness or pain; loss of taste; pain when eating or swallowing; cracks and redness in the mouth. Symptoms of candidiasis in the esophagus include pain during swallowing and difficulty swallowing.
  • Diagnosis and testing: The doctor can diagnose the oral fungus or throat by observing the location of the fungus. Sometimes, the doctor can take a small sample from the mouth or throat sent to the laboratory for observation under a microscope or fungal culture. For ere fungus, it is usually diagnosed by endoscopy.
  • Treatment: Oral, throat and eal diseases are all treated with antifungal drugs. The duration of treatment is about 7-14 days. These drugs include: clotrimazole, miconazole or nystatin. For severe infections, the most common treatment is the use of fluconazole or intravenously.
  • Prevention: The way to prevent fungus in the mouth, throat is to maintain oral health, gargle or brush your teeth after using inhaled corticosteroids.

HIV in men

HIV patients are often susceptible to Candida fungus

4. Round plaque ecpet disease

Round plaque ecpet disease is a common skin infection caused by fungi. It causes rounded rashes (ring-like). Infectious fungi can live on the skin, surface and on items such as clothes, towels, bed linen.

Areas of the body that may be infected with fungi: Paws, groin, inner thighs or buttocks, scalp, antennae. The disease can also affect the skin in most body parts such as nails and toenails.

  • Symptoms: Depending on the location of fungal infections on the body there will be different symptoms. Symptoms appear about 4-14 days after skin contact with pathogenic fungi.
  • Diagnosis and treatment: The doctor can take small patches of skin for microsynation or send them to the laboratory for fungal culture. Treatment of round plaque fungus depends on its location on the body and the degree of infection. Some forms of fungi may use over-the-counter medications. Or use a lotion. For the location on the skin it is possible to use over-the-counter drugs including: Clotrimazole ; Miconazole; Terbinafine ; Ketoconazole. For the location of the scalp often requires treatment with prescription antifungal drugs from 1 to 3 months. This drug includes: Griseofulvin; Terbinafin; Itraconazole; Fluconazole.

To register for examination and treatment at Share99 International Health Hub, you can contact Share99 Health System nationwide, or register for an online examination HERE



  • Mold allergy: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
  • Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary fungus
  • Nail fungus: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

  • Fungal infections in people with HIV/AIDS
  • Is fungal infection serious?
  • Who can get fungal infections?

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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