Calcium supplementation for pregnant women in the last 3 months of pregnancy

The article was consulted professionally by Dr Hoang Thi Anh Tuyet – Obstetrics and Gynecology Department – Share99 Central Park International Health Hub.

The addition of calcium to pregnant women in the last 3 months plays a particularly important role in the formation of joints and oral cavities of the child later. So what is the need for calcium for pregnant women in the last 3 months?

1. Why take calcium supplements during the last 3 months of pregnancy?

If the first 3 months are the stage of development of the med muscle and joint system of the fetus, the last 3 months of pregnancy is the stage in which the fetus completes the skeleton, so the calcium demand of the fetus at this stage is very high. If the source of nutrition is not sufficient, then the mother's body will withdraw calcium itself to provide the fetus.

This is the reason why pregnant mothers often have symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, muscle aches, cramps,bone loss, osteochondrosis,… The most severe case can cause the pregnant mother to have seizures due to excessive hypocalcemia of the body. Not only that, calcium deficiency also causes the child to be malnourished from the time he is still in the fetus, after giving birth malnourished, the bones are deformed causing heteroformity, dwarfism,..

Therefore, the role of calcium in the late stages of pregnancy is important, as recommended by experts, at this stage every day the mother needs a calcium intake of 1200-1500mg per day. This dosage is more than the need for calcium in the 3 months between pregnancy is 1000mg per day and the first 3 months of pregnancy is 800mg per day.

Pregnant woman with a pre-life disorder

Lack of calcium during pregnancy causes dizziness, fatigue

2. Proper calcium supplementation for pregnant women in the last 3 months of pregnancy

The best source of calcium for pregnant mothers and fetuses comes from natural daily foods, however the body does not always fully absorb the amount of calcium contained in the feed. Therefore, the mother should intertwine the use of foods containing calcium or calcium supplements orally but should drink it according to the instructions and prescribing of nutritionists. Besides, pregnant women should regularly sunbathe before 8am to absorb vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium more effectively so that the fetus also absorbs calcium better.

However, if using calcium supplements, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the doctor and to best absorb the amount of calcium, pregnant women should drink after breakfast about 1 hour. During pregnancy, in addition to calcium, pregnant women need to add iron to the body, however iron and calcium should not be added at the same time.

The pregnant mother's body in the last 3 months only absorbs a maximum of 500mg per drink, so it is advisable to allocate a reasonable amount of time to load calcium into the body, avoiding pooling and at one time.

In order for the body to absorb calcium effectively, pregnant mothers should also avoid some of the following foods:

  • These drinks are organic, soft drinks, coffee and some other foods that contain a lot of phosphoric acid.
  • Limit the intake of high-fat foods because this is the main cause of calcium deficiency in pregnant women in the last 3 months of pregnancy. These fatty acids will greatly reduce the mother's ability to absorb calcium.
  • Be careful when using foods containing phytic acid such as un fermented powders or some types such as bamboo shoots and onions,.. because they can be combined with calcium into insoluble or insoluble substances, which directly affect the body's calcium absorption process.
  • Controlling the amount of salt loaded into the body every day because this spices not only reduces the body's ability to absorb calcium, but also causes calcium to lose through the excretion line.

The role of Calcium with pregnant women

Calcium supplements from foods

3. Explanation of the proposed discontinuation of calcium in the last 3 months of pregnancy due to placenta calciumization

Calciumization of the placentaor calcification of the placenta is the phenomenon of calcium deposition between the cake and the muscles of the uterus. This phenomenon occurs when the fetus is at a stage of near-complete development. This is just what says that the fetus is growing, not the cake is calcified as rumored.

In fact, there are 3 levels of placenta calcification, if by stage 3 i.e. the lung function of the fetus is complete, the child can already be ready with the outside world. Therefore, during this period, pregnant mothers should have regular pregnancy examinations to monitor the condition of the fetus in the most specific way.

Placenta calcification is not caused by the use of a lot of calcium or having to stop taking calcium to prevent this condition. This is a normal phenomenon that demonstrates the development of the fetus and pregnant mothers should continue to add calcium in the last 3 months of pregnancy as directed by the doctor, because the need for calcium at this time still needs a lot.the intake of calcium through eating, in addition to pregnant women should take supplements as directed by nutritionists. raise. This not only causes the fetus to grow healthy, but also reduces the negative effects on the health of the mother.

Calcium plays a large role with the development of the fetus and the health of the mother but is not allowed to add indiscriminately on its own, at each stage of pregnancy will be prescribed by the doctor in a different dosage. Therefore, doctors recommend that when pregnant, you should go to reputable medical centers to be examined, do tests and listen to advice from specialized doctors.

Calcium for pregnant women

Proper use of calcium helps both pregnant mothers and healthy fetuses

Currently, Share99 International Health Hub currently has a full maternity service as a solution to help pregnant mothers feel secure because there is a team of doctors throughout the pregnancy. When choosing a full-service maternity, a pregnant woman can:

  • The process of pregnancy is monitored by a team of specialists
  • Regular examination, early detection of abnormalities
  • Package maternity for the convenience of childbirth
  • Infants receive comprehensive care

For direct advice, please click hotline number or register online HERE. In addition, you can register for remote consultation HERE


  • What pregnant women eat in the 4th month for the fetus to grow healthy
  • Nutritious foods for pregnant women
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About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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