Smallpox: What to know

The first treatment is mainly to vaccinate smallpox within 3−4 days of exposure to the smallpox virus. Vaccination can make the disease less serious or may help prevent it. After that, the doctor will focus on treatment to relieve the symptoms and rehydr rehydr.

1. What is smallpox?

Smallpox is caused by the smallpox virus. It is an infectious disease, a disease that causes aesthetic loss, and ancient smallpox can be life-threatening, but thanks to global medical development, this infectious disease has been eradicated. However, plans are always intended to deal with the smallpox virus.

The cause, the disease often causes symptoms that are initially almost identical to chickenpox. Therefore, a lot of people learn about smallpox and chickenpox varieties and how different.

Signs to recognize common smallpox are:

  • Sudden high fever;
  • Body discomfort, fatigue;
  • Severe back pain and headache, sometimes abdominal pain and vomiting;
  • 2 – 4 days of appearance of the rash of itching;
  • The board develops through the following stages: lumps, blisters, pustules and scabs;
  • Your lesions when exfoliative will leave scars;

Smallpox in children may appear complications associated with the lungs .

Smallpox virus

Smallpox virus images

2. Is it ok to have smallpox?

So when you get smallpox, do you get it back? Accordingly, in some cases, the person who has had smallpox before, if re-infected may not get sick or present with mild full-body symptoms, atypical rashes and often without the progressive stages of the board.

For severe diseases, the mortality rate in people with smallpox is about 15-40%. Death can occur early on the 2nd, 3rd day, but usually in the 2nd week.

Mild illness is associated with a mortality rate of less than 1%, but rash symptoms are similar to those in severe illness, but the body's reactions are usually less severe.

Signs and treatment of smallpox in children

Unspo treated smallpox can be life-threatening

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3. What should smallpox do when you have smallpox?

Up to now, there is no effective treatment for smallpox. Therefore, if you have smallpox, you need to see a doctor to find treatment.

The first treatment is mainly to vaccinate smallpox within 3−4 days of exposure to the smallpox virus. Vaccination can make the disease less serious or may help prevent it.

After that, the doctor will focus on treatment to relieve the symptoms and rehydr rehydr. The treatment regimen for smallpox should follow the doctor's decree. Early, proper treatment and a good body care regime, smallpox in children and adults will not thrive, which in turn can reduce dangerous complications for the person.

influenza vaccination for the elderly

Smallpox vaccination is essential

4. What should smallpox abstain from?

To ensure that the disease recovers quickly, during the treatment of the disease, the patient needs to change some habits such as:

  • Limiting contact with many people: Smallpox is an infectious disease, so patients need to limit access to many people to avoid spreading the disease. It is recommended to isolate in private rooms for 7 to 10 days with breathable and sunny.
  • Do not share personal belongings: People with smallpox should use all personal items such as glasses, cups, spoons, chopsticks, clothes,… to avoid transmission.
  • Keep personal hygiene: Change clothes regularly and bathe with warm water every day. Wear wide, light and thin clothing.
  • Diet: It is recommended to eat soft, liquid feeds and drink plenty of water.

Share99 International Health Hub is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading doctors, modern technology equipment system but also stands out for comprehensive and professional medical examination, consultation and treatment services; civilized, polite, safe and sterilized medical examination and treatment space.

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  • Which way is smallpox transmitted?
  • At what stage is smallpox the strongest?
  • Smallpox Story – From Epidemics to Vaccines

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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