9 nuts you should eat regularly

There are many nuts that are useful for health and are recommended for regular use. So what nuts are they, how beneficial they are, all will be answered through the article below.

1. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are a nut with a long history of use, but little known until it is officially commercialized and promoted in information channels and media.

Chia seeds are now known to everyone as a super food, and not without its reasons. At just 1 ounce mass (~28.35g, that is, the equivalent of 2 tablespoons) chia seeds already contain almost 10 g of fiber. Chia seeds can be used in a variety of ways, such as served with yogurt or greens to feel the crunch of chia seeds when bitten, or to put chia seeds in drinks, such as fruit juice or cashew milk, so that the chia seeds soften and make great drinks.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are a great gift for health

2. Wild rice

Wild rice is a special type of rice in North America. Although the name is rice, in terms of science, wild rice is not the same species as rice crops commonly found in Vietnam, but it is the grain of a grass. In terms of waste rice nutrition has a higher protein content than other whole grains, and has more antioxidants than white rice. Besides, wild rice also contains many folate, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B6 and niacin (vitamin B3). Wild rice has a variety of ways of cooking, from cooking to eating like a normal rice dish to making ingredients in combination with other types of rice or cereals, or processing it into salads, soups, or even making desserts for meals.

3. Pumpkin seeds

Grilled pumpkin seeds are a snack that is not only interesting but also very healthy. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of magnesium (important minerals that are beneficial for cardiovascular health and help strengthen the muscles). Besides the baking method, pumpkin seeds can be prepared with soups, salads, served with cereals or made mixed dishes.

4. Pomegranate seeds

Pomegranate seeds (taken from the inside of the pomegranate) have an eye-catching appearance (look like jewelry grains) and carry a sweet taste. Pomegranate seeds are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. A cup full of pomegranate seeds provides only 130 calories, making pomegranate seeds very suitable for making a healthy snack. If you do not want to eat pomegranate seeds, put pomegranate seeds in salads or whole grains to add flavor and color to the dish.

5. Quinoa

If you are looking for a healthy source of protein, then quinoa is the right candidate. Processed quinoa is simple, just cook it up like cooking rice, and can be served or processed along with other dishes, such as pasta or other cereals.

Besides the above processing, quinoa can be used as bread (and this bread will have a gluten-free composition), or it is possible to cook porridge (rich in protein, fiber and iron) with quinoa for breakfast.

6. Flax seed

Flaxseed is a healthy food that has been used by humans since ancient times in history, about 9000 BC. If you do not like to eat fish, add flaxseed to the meal ingredients to be given omega-3 fatty acids, a fatty acid that has a good effect on cardiovascular health.

Flaxseed is the best source of omega-3 from plants, besides it also contains a lot of fiber and can help lower blood pressure. The use of flaxseed is very simple, which can be added to salads, put together with oats or used as a baking material.

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed has a source of omega – 3 is very beneficial for health

7. Hemp seed

The soothing taste of strawberry thorn seeds is well-matched for making desserts. Strawberry thorn seeds contain a lot of protein, just 2 tablespoons of strawberry thorn seeds have provided almost 7 g of protein to the body, more than flaxseed or chia seeds.

Strawberry thorn seeds are also a source of omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial for health. Strawberry thorn seeds can be used alone, either served in salads or with other whole grains. Strawberry thorn seeds can also be used to make milk.

8. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are very familiar nuts, both delicious and healthy. With a 1-ounce serving (~28.35 g) provided about half of the vitamin E needed per day. Not only that, sunflower seeds are rich in healthy fats. Sunflower seeds have a variety of uses, from eating directly as a healthy snack, adding smoothies or using them as ingredients into different dishes.

9. Sesame seeds

The common white sesame seeds in hamburgers are not just for decorative purposes. Sesame seeds are one of the ingredients with the most uses. Sesame seed oil, which is commonly used for salads, is extremely rich in fatty acids that help reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the body.

When mashed to create sesame butter (tahini), people allergic to peanuts can safely use it as a substitute for traditional peanut butter, and sesame butter is also the main ingredients in a sauce called hummus. Whole sesame seeds are rich in fiber and protein, which, if added to dishes, will bring not only nutritional benefits, but also flavor to the dish.

Article reference source: webmd.com


  • Flaxseed Oil: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects
  • Uses, dosage and side effects of Vitamin C
  • Niacin (vitamin B3): Uses, dosage, side effects

  • Calcium-rich nuts
  • Are sunflower seeds high in fat?
  • Nutritional value of pumpkin seeds

About: John Smith

b1ffdb54307529964874ff53a5c5de33?s=90&r=gI am the author of Share99.net. I had been working in Vinmec International General Hospital for over 10 years. I dedicate my passion on every post in this site.


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